Scholarly Commons - Excellence Day: Head, Heart, Hands: A Clinical Example of the Dugoni School’s Core Values

Head, Heart, Hands: A Clinical Example of the Dugoni School’s Core Values

Lead Author Affiliation

Doctor of Dental Surgery

Lead Author Program & Year

DDS Year 3

Presentation Category



This clinical case demonstrates a multidisciplinary treatment that is representative of what is accessible to all students in the main clinic. The case was chosen to represent 2C in the OKU Group Practice Clinical Excellence Award.

Methods/Treatment Plan

For this patient, we completed treatment in the following disciplines:

Periodontics - Scaling and Root Planing

Endodontics - Root canal therapy

Oral Surgery - Routine Extraction

General Restorative/Prosthodontics - Post placement, build up placement, single-unit crown delivery, 3-unit bridge delivery, survey crown fabrication

Removable Prosthetics - Survey crown fabrication, partial denture fabrication


Our main esthetic goal of using the pre-existing #9 PFM crown as the keystone resulted in success and patient happiness. The treatment resulted in the elimination of pain, removal of active disease, an improved smile line, enhanced functionality, and an enriched patient quality of life.


I selected this case as a representation of my growth as a student over my time in clinic, from my 2nd year continuing through my 3rd. The patient and I communicated entirely through my second language, Spanish, which served as a valuable challenge that allowed me to exercise a non-ubiquitous skill. From endodontic therapy, to composite fillings, multiple crowns, removable prosthetics and more, this case developed alongside my advancement as a student. It reflects my personal engagement with the Dugoni School’s philosophy of “Head, Heart and Hands”, illustrating the integration of all three concepts. This comprehensive case, started and finished with a single student in the Main Clinic, exemplifies the patient-centered, quality oral health care that the Dugoni School holds at its core.



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May 22nd, 8:00 AM May 22nd, 5:00 PM

Head, Heart, Hands: A Clinical Example of the Dugoni School’s Core Values

This clinical case demonstrates a multidisciplinary treatment that is representative of what is accessible to all students in the main clinic. The case was chosen to represent 2C in the OKU Group Practice Clinical Excellence Award.