Euler Archive - Turin Melanges | Other Academic Publications | University of the Pacific
Full Title: Melanges de philosophie et de la mathematique de la société royale des sciences de Turin (Mixtures of the philosophy and mathematics of the royal society of sciences in Turin).

The Turin Melanges was published in four volumes by the Société royale des sciences de Turin. The society had only been formed in 1757, and the Melanges was its second publication (the first being the Miscellanae). Six of Euler's works appeared in the Melanges, most in Volume 3, as shown below.


Publications from 1766


E317: Éclaircissemens sur le mouvement des cordes vibrantes


E318: Recherches sur le mouvement des cordes inégalement grosses


E319: Recherches sur l'intégration de l'équation (ddz/dt2) = aa∙(ddz/dx2)+b/x∙(dz/dx) + c/(xx)∙z


E320: Recherches sur la construction des nouvelles lunettes à 5 et 6 verres et leur perfection ultérieure


E321: Observationes circa integralia formularum ∫ xp-1 dx (1–xn)q/n - 1 posito post integrationem x=1