ERP adoption in enterprises with emerging Big Data


Leili Javadpour: 0000-0003-4004-1950

Document Type

Conference Presentation

Conference Title

Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC)


Nashville, TN

Conference Dates

May 30 - June 2, 2015

Date of Presentation


First Page


Last Page



Communication and information technologies are reshaping enterprises worldwide. Tremendous amounts of data are being harvested about our browsing and shopping habits and social networks. Data is being aggregated not just within organizations but also across industrial and governmental sectors, such as in healthcare, education, and supply chains. And more and more devices in consumer use, manufacturing, and logistics are equipped with data acquisition capabilities, increasing the pace of data accumulation. Many organizations now have data stores in the petabyte range, with world-wide data now in the Exabyte range. There's no way to analyze this data using traditional statistical techniques, because even at very low sampling rates, data set sizes are in the billions or more observations. To solve this problem, we need to understand the underlying business relationships and bring intuition and judgment into identifying patterns in the data. After identifying the problem, the computer studies the different data and builds a model from a generalization of the samples. These patterns can be used to forecast the system's behavior and this prediction increases the productivity and opens new business opportunities. In this paper we'll show the potential of big data and how analytics and big data can transform industrial engineering and illustrate an implementation of ERP cloud and big data solution in an organization.
