Elbert Covell College was the first English-Spanish dual-immersion college in the United States beginning in 1963. All instruction was conducted in Spanish to a student body split between U.S. and Latin American students. The unique and unforgettable experiences of Elbert Covell College students built a devotion to Inter-Americanism that lives on in graduates’ hearts and continues to build bridges across the Americas.
Reestablishing Direction and Motivation in the Elbert Covell Legacy Organization
Danna B. Moreno
The Elbert Covell College Legacy Organization (Legacy Organization) is a group of alumni of Elbert Covell College (ECC) who came together to remedy some problems with the legacy of ECC and to establish a greater inter-American connection with the University of the Pacific (UOP).
Elbert Covell College Study Room Exhibit
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific
Arnold Torres Papers
Arnold Torres and Covell College Alumni
Torres was a 1975 graduate of Covell College. His archival collection at Pacific documents his career as a political activist especially concerned with issues important to Hispanics. Torres's Papers