"Chlamydia pneumoniae is present in the dental plaque of periodontitis " by Cássio Luiz Coutinho Almeida-da-Silva, Tamer Alpagot et al.

Chlamydia pneumoniae is present in the dental plaque of periodontitis patients and stimulates an inflammatory response in gingival epithelial cells


Cassio Almeida-da-Silva: 0000-0001-9173-7208


Biomedical Sciences

Document Type

Conference Presentation

Conference Title

22nd Bay Area Microbial Pathogenesis Symposium


Genentech Hall on the Mission Bay Campus of UCSF, San Francisco, CA

Date of Presentation



Periodontitis is the most common oral inflammatory disease. It involves inflammation and destruction of the attachment apparatus of the teeth. Bacterial invasion of the gingiva elicits a host immune response which begins with inflammation of the gingiva, progressing to destruction of deep periodontal tissues and loss of alveolar bone. Even though over 600 species of bacteria are present in the human oral microbiome, only about ten have been identified as putative pathogens causing periodontal disease. Chlamydiae are obligate, intracellular bacteria that have a biphasic developmental cycle. C. pneumoniae has also been linked to asthma, arthritis, atherosclerosis, stroke, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease. Currently, it is still not known whether C. pneumoniae infects gingival epithelium and subsequently promotes a host-mediated immune response that leads to periodontitis.

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