"Orofacial Pain and Menstrually Related Migraine" by Chisa Nishihara, Keisuke Hatori et al.



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Acta Neurologica Taiwanica





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PURPOSE: Migraine is a common, debilitating, primary headache disorder that can cause and be affected by odontalgia.

CASE REPORT: A 49-year-old woman(Patient 1) presented with pulsating pain in the left maxillary molar area, and a history of unsuccessful root canal treatment. She was ultimately diagnosed with menstrually related migraine without aura and zolmitriptan was prescribed, which reduced her headache and toothache together. A 45-year-old woman (Patient 2) presented with throbbing pain in the right maxillary molar and cheek area. Past repeated endodontic therapy had been unsuccessful. She was then diagnosed with menstrually related migraine without aura, and sumatriptan significantly reduced her headache and toothache. A 40-year-old woman (Patient 3) presented with pulsating pain near the left maxillary molar region. Pulpectomy was performed after she had previously received a diagnosis of pulpitis in the left maxillary second molar, but her pain did not subside. Patient 2 and 3 were misdiagnosed as pulpitis by dental practitioners and the pain did not relive after pulpectomy. All patients were diagnosed as migraine by headache specialists and were treated with triptans, which resulted in satisfactory pain relief.

CONCLUSION: A thorough history and examination, as well as an understanding of migraine headaches, is necessary to differentiate odontogenic pain and migraine headaches. Key Words: menstrually related migraine, orofacial pain, ICHD-3, headache.

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