
Jan. 4 -10. alarming sickness. I was attackedon the night of Thursday 4thwith an eruption of the skin accompaniedwith a painful burning anditching, which was, at times, almostunendurable. These would come on atintervals, and were so distressing, thatwhen they subsided, they usually leftme almost without power to breathe.The Dr. called the disease, Urticaria orNettle Rash, which frequently attackschildren during the time of teething.Two of my wisdom teeth had been comingfor a few days, and this circumstancemay have had some influencein bringing on the disease. As it mayhave been, I was much relieved aftermy gums were cut. The first timethat I was able to be moved from thebed was on Sunday 7th, when theDr., the kindest of nurses, helped meto a chair in the kitchen. I was notdressed, and after sitting for a fewminutes, I was again attacked withthe burning pain, and was removedto bed, where after enduring it for sometime, it left me so find that I feltas if my strength were nearly gone.Jan. 4-10. My last attack was on Tuesday9th, and comparatively slight. OnWednesday 10th, I was able to be dressedand out in the room with the rest, tho'very weak. During this time, Father hasbeen gaining health fast, and onthis day, Wednesday, went home.We have also received very interestingletters from home. The weatherhas been very pleasant most of thetime, tho' we have had one heavy rainJan. 11. Thursday. Very pleasant. I havebeen dressed all day, tho' not feeling sowell as yesterday, lying down most ofthe time. Tonight I was lying on a loungein the kitchen, and Dr. was filling thelamps, and Robert was arranging thetea table. After Dr. had filled and lightedthe lamps, he came towards the tablewith both in his hands, which soblinded him what he did not observethat the trap door was open, (Robert hadvery carelessly left it open some minutesbefore) and stepped directly in andfell to the bottom of the stairs. Who canimagine my feelings at this moment!for I was an eyewitness of the sad occurrence.Unable as I was from weakness to
Date Original
January 1856
Dates Covered
Original diary dimensions: 13 x 20 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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Delia Locke, diaries, women, diarist, California, Locke-Hammond Family Papers, Lockeford, CA, Dean Jewett Locke, rural life, rural California, 19th Century, church, temperance organizations, Mokelumne River Ladies' Sewing Circle, temperature recordings, journal