"Delia Locke Diary, 1855-1856" by Delia Locke


Delia Locke


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Dec. 5. burned. We did not stoplong there, but proceeded onour way to Mr. Compton's.The recent rain had laid allthe dust in the road and theside over the plain way delightful.We soon arrived there, butfound they were all away. Wethought Mrs. Compton mightbeat her mother's, Mrs. Flood's,a little farther on, so we droveon and found her there. Mr.Compton & Mrs. Flood had goneto town. We dined there, andhad a pleasant time. They arewarm hearted Western people, &treated us kindly. A little rainfell while we were there. Returning,we made a short call atMr. Compton's and bought somebutter, for which we paid onedollar a pound. We reached homesoon after dark, and thoughtwe would spend the evening atMr. Staples'. It commenced torain very hard soon after, butwe prepared suitable clothing, andstarted. But it was so dark thatDec. 5. we could not see the roadbefore us, and it rained so hardthat we turned back, and spentthe evening at home.Dec. 6. Robert's and Father Locke'sbirthday. Robert is 13, Father 59.Robert has commenced keeping ajournal today. The day has beenpleasant, but we have had rainthis evening.Dec. 7. Friday. This afternoon andevening has been very rainy. Fatherspent the afternoon with us,is here this evening and intendsto remain all night.Dec. 8. Very cool and pleasant thismorning, but this afternoon hasbeen cloudy.Dec. 9. Sabbath. Very pleasant indeedThere was to be no preaching todayas our preacher disappointed us isnot coming out from Stockton;so Dr. said I might ride outwith him to visit a patient, somefive or six miles away. I went accordinglyto Mr. Thomason's, whoseson was sick, Mrs. Thomason isdiscontented, does not like Cal.,

Date Original

December 1855

Dates Covered



Original diary dimensions: 13 x 20 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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Delia Locke, diaries, women, diarist, California, Locke-Hammond Family Papers, Lockeford, CA, Dean Jewett Locke, rural life, rural California, 19th Century, church, temperance organizations, Mokelumne River Ladies' Sewing Circle, temperature recordings, journal
