
Sept. 16. and part of his wrist, so that itwas found necessary to amputate itwas caused by liquor; the man beingintoxicated at the time. How sad hisfamily far away must be to hear ofthe occurrence.Sept. 17. Weather cool and pleasant. Hada most delightful ride to Dry Creek, tovisit Mr. and Mrs. Smith. We crossedthe river at Mr. Benedict's, and thiswas the last house we saw beforereaching Mr. Smith's. Our side wasover and almost level plain, wellwooded with large trees. The roadhere, as all through the country, ishard and good. These road are sowithout any labor, and it is a factworthy of consideration by all designingto fix a residence here, asgiving this state or decided preferenceover all others in this respect.Mr. Smiths house, which is a smallone, has a homelike, N. E. appearance,We found them at home and had apleasant visit. I find that Mrs. S.and I differ in many respects, but hopewe shall be no less friendly on that account.I saw growing here, the buck-Sept. 17. eye tree, a species of the housechestnut. The fruit look almostlike the pear. Saw here a Mr. Holmanwho lives up the river. Returnedby the way of Staples' and left our lettersat the post office. When we arrived homewe found Mr. Burt of Dry town here.Sept, 18. Emma Holman come andspent the afternoon with me.Sept. 19. Wednesday. Today we visitedMiss Athearn's school. She had 14scholars present. The order was quitegood, and she appeared to be gettingalong well. It brought past scenes tomy mind very vividly, when I wasengaged in teaching. I almost wishedI were so engaged now. But a secondthought told me that I could not beso happy in that position, as at presentI am. My dear kind husband!how much I love him.Sept. 22. Saturday. Today, Mr. and Mrs. Warrenand little daughter came to see us fromSacramento. They arrived about 4 o'clock.Mr. Warren has been out of health, andhopes a visit to the country will do himgood. He arrived here very much fatiguedwith rides Mrs. Smith of S. called.
Date Original
September 1855
Dates Covered
Original diary dimensions: 13 x 20 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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Delia Locke, diaries, women, diarist, California, Locke-Hammond Family Papers, Lockeford, CA, Dean Jewett Locke, rural life, rural California, 19th Century, church, temperance organizations, Mokelumne River Ladies' Sewing Circle, temperature recordings, journal