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1867. May 2. Thursday. Mr. Powell has been here all day. I have not been able to attend Prayermeeting this eve. (T.S.R. 47. 2 P.M. 77. S.S. 63.) May 3. Friday. Mr. Powell dined here. (T.S.R. 49. 2 P.M. 73. S.S. 66.) May 4. Saturday. Mr. Powell has been here all day. He was initiated as a member of the Lodge this eve. The new Officers were also installed. Mr. Rock is now W. C. T. (T.S.R. 48. 2 P.M. 77. S.S. 71.) May 5. Sabbath. We have attended church today. Mr. Guernsey preached from the text, "It is finished." Christ finished for us a perfect example of purity of benevolence - of love and forgiveness. I believe this is the best sermon I ever heard Mr. Guernsey preach. He seemed to be full to overflowing of thought, he would fain express. I suppose he will not come again. He is to preach to the Contro[?] bands in Stockton. After the sermon, we had a church meeting. The Methodists have given out notice that they are to hold their meetings and S. school in future at the schoolhouse. So we have thought best to get up and sign a paper, requesting them to unite with us in a Union S. school The paper has been written and signed today - also a committee chosen to see about making application to the Home Missionary Society for aid in making up Mr. Powell's salary. Mr. Powell preached in the evening, but I was too weary to go. (T.S.R. 58. 2 P.M. 84. S.S. 75.) May 6. Monday. Today I have been to Susie's and spent the day in company with Mr. Geffroy and Hannah. The water is so high that we went all the way in our boat. It is the longest boat ride I have taken for many a day. I took Mary with me. (T.S.R. 57. 2 P.M. 88. S.S. 75.) May 7. Tuesday. At sunrise this morning, Susie became for the fourth time a mother. She has another little son. (T.S.R. 55. 2 P.M. 78. S.S. 67.) May 8. Wednesday. The water is so high that there is an almost complete overflow. We have now been married twelve years, and have been very happy in each other, happier I am sure, than most people. (T.S.R. 50. 2 P.M. 81. S.S. 70.) 1867. May 9. Thursday. Mr. Allard came here and spent the night. (T.S.R. 50. 2 P.M. 79. S.S. 70.) May 10. Friday. I was so stuffed last night and my breathing so difficult, that I only slept about two hours. Some of the time it seemed almost impossible to lie down. I can find no good reason for this stuffness. It came on just at sundown, without any warning at all. In consequence I feel quite poorly today. Mr. Allard has been here all day. He is on some election business. He says his wife is teaching school. (T.S.R. 50. 2 P.M. 80. S.S. 74.) May 11. Saturday. I was not able to attend the Lodge this evening. The attendance was small, owing to the fact that the Odd Fellows instituded a Lodge at the same time in Kolman's Hall, and some of our members went and joined them. (T.S.R. 52. 2 P.M. 79. S.S. 72.) May 12. Sabbath. Mr. Oliver preached at eleven o'clock in the schoolhouse. We went, and there was a full attendance, but after the sermon, Mr. Oliver gave notice that he should continue to preach in the Brich Church as usual. The Methodists have changed their minds about coming here to hold their meetings and S. school - Having been informed that we had prepared a paper desiring them to unite in a Union S. school, and not being willing to coincide with us, they changed their plan of action. This is better than it might be. This afternoon we have attended the S. school, after which Josiah read a sermon - Mr. Powell being absent in San Francisco. He has just married and was not able to come up immediately. I have just heard that Mrs. Read (Augusta) is very sick and not expected to live long. Tonight, I have written to her. (T.S.R. 53. 2 P.M. 82. S.S. 73.) May 13. Monday. (T.S.R. 52. 2 P.M. 79. S.S. 64.) May 14. Tuesday. (T.S.R. 46. 2 P.M. 75. S.S. 62.) May 15. Wednesday. (T.S.R. 52. 2 P.M. 73. S.S. 63.) May 16. Thursday. Weather windy and a little cloudy. Mr. Powell came but did not bring his wife, as she was not ready to come. (T.S.R. 54. 2 P.M. 67. S.S. 64.)
Date Original
January 1867
Dates Covered
Original diary dimensions: 23 x 35 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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Delia Locke, diaries, women, diarist, California, Locke-Hammond Family Papers, Lockeford, CA, Dean Jewett Locke, rural life, rural California, 19th Century, church, temperance organizations, Mokelumne River Ladies' Sewing Circle, temperature recordings, journal