
Holman came over to see me a while. Brother Georgereturned home from the mines in the evening.July 6. The weather is fine, and things continue topass on in the usual way. Father is still muchbetter. I am getting much interested in my newbrothers. A new house is in prospect for us.July 7. The weather is so warm now, that, were it notfor the cool nights and mornings. I shouldnot feel able to work at all. But it will becooler bye and bye. Brother George went toStockton today, and purchased a newstove, so that we can now do our cookingmuch easier. We are to have it standnearer the house, too. Wrote a letter home.July 8. Sabbath. It has been excessively warm today.At two o'clock 9 of us from the Ranch, attendedSabbath School, at the schoolhouse,nearly a mile off. This schoolhouse is coveredwith cloth, and has long wooden benchesfor the scholars. The attendance todaywas very small. Only 17 persons were present.We can but hope for better things, especiallyif we have frequent preaching. Took a longride home by the Indian settlement orRancharea, as it is called. The Indian'smuch resemble those we saw at Acapulco.We saw some graves where Indians were buried.They were in hollows, and had clothJuly 8. stretched over them, fastened to the groundby stakes. These Indians are being swept awayby disease very rapidly. I think they areso much to be pitied. Mrs. Lakemanleft us for Mrs. Holman's tonight.July 9. Monday. Today the sun, which has invariablyshone very brightly all day before, wasclouded in for a time in the afternoon. Itwas quite observable by us, and caused theremark, that, "If we were in New England,we should suppose it was going to rain."But no refreshing shower followed. Wemust wait until Autumn, before we canenjoy such a blessing. Getting discouraged atsome fault finding remarks which weremade by some of the men about the food.I made both myself and Brother George,who told them to me, very unhappy. Ishall try not to be so foolish and unkindagain. Father is now gaining rapidly.July 10. Tuesday. This morning five Indians cameto our house. They were dressed very neatlyand well, and I was quite interestedin them. In the afternoon received ashort call from Mr. and Mrs. Athearn,July 11. Weather excessively warm. Went on horsebackto call on Mrs. Holman. Saw Mrs.Lakeman and Miss Peachee, the school
Date Original
July 1855
Dates Covered
Original diary dimensions: 13 x 20 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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Delia Locke, diaries, women, diarist, California, Locke-Hammond Family Papers, Lockeford, CA, Dean Jewett Locke, rural life, rural California, 19th Century, church, temperance organizations, Mokelumne River Ladies' Sewing Circle, temperature recordings, journal