was the third in size, Ada and Horace being smaller. But she is more backward about teething and talking than either of the others. She has but twelve teeth as yet and speaks but two or three words. She stands alone, but does not walk. She is very fond of dolly, baby, and Pin key’s little puppies. Ida had a Christmas present of a little China doll, and Mary has it in her hands nearly all the time, and thinks she cannot go to sleep without it. (T.S.R. 46. 2 P.M. 53. S.S. 58.) Jan. 7. Sabbath. The day has been cloudy and windy. The children have attended S. school as usual. (T.S.R. 46. 2 P.M. 51. S.S. 55.) Jan. 8. Monday. The school commenced today with Miss Mills as teacher. The desks, window frames and doors have been newly painted and the walls white washed, so that the schoolhouse is much improved. The weather is not favorable to the commencement of school, being windy and rainy. (T.S.R. 49. 2 P.M. 43. S.S. 43.) Jan. 9. Tuesday. The weather is foggy and cloudy. I have felt better today than on any day since my sickness. (T.S.R. 39. 2 P.M. 45. S.S. 42.) Jan. 10. Wednesday. The morning was foggy. Today I am sick again with pain in my breast and feverishness. I call it "milk-sickness." So I am up and down. Night very windy and rainy. (T.S.R. 30. 2 P.M. 50. S.S. 44.) Jan. 11. Thursday. The weather has been windy and showery. (T.S.R. 40. 2 P.M. 47. S.S. 44.) Jan. 12. Friday. We have had heavy showers today. People are beginning to cry out concerning the rain, "Enough. enough." (T.S.R. 40. 2 P.M. 48. S.S. 43.) Jan. 13. Saturday. The weather is still unfair-cloudy and windy through the day, and rainy in eve. Sister Susie is twenty seven years old today. (T.S.R. 40. 2 P.M. 48. S.S. 42.) Jan. 14. Sabbath. I am not yet well enough to attend the S. school, but the children have attended as usual. It neither rains nor shines. (T.S.R. 30. 2 P.M. 47. S.S. 43.) Jan. 15. Monday. (T.S.R. 33. 2 P.M. 47. S.S. 44.) Jan. 16. Tuesday. The night is rainy. Mrs. Rogers has made me a long call today-also Hannah. Mrs. David Smith has a little daughter born this morning. (T.S.R. 32. 2 P.M. 48. S.S. 44.) Jan. 17. Wednesday. This morning Mrs. Wallace left us to live in San Francisco. As his "true love" teaches school there, and there is no prospect of her returning to this locality for the present, he like a true knight forsakes his shop and goes to her. We know not how soon they will be married. We are sorry to lose his society. He has been with us most of the time for ten years, and his place in the S. school can not be easily filled. Therefore we said good by with regret. Mrs. Flanders called this afternoon. She entertained us with an account of her journey across the isthmus before the railroad was built, on mule - back. It was full of adventures undesirable at least. The weather is cloudy, windy and rainy. (T.S.R. 44. 2 P.M. 47. S.S. 47.) Jan. 18. Thursday. The morning was rainy. (T.S.R. 52. 2 P.M. 48. S.S. 44.) Jan. 19. Friday. The day has been cloudy, the night is rainy and windy. Mrs. Tower has made me a call this afternoon, with her two children. Baby boy is today two months old and weighs ten pounds. He is fat quiet and well. (T.S.R. 30. 2 P.M. 47. S.S. 43.) Jan. 20. Saturday. Rainy. (T.S.R. 46. 2 P.M. 47. S.S. 47.) Jan. 21. Sabbath. Weather very rainy. This constant rain has swollen the river to such a degree that tonight it is over flowing its banks. We fear a general over flow. There has been no S. school today. Dr. and hired men have been busy all day trying to save the cattle, hogs, horses and fencing from being washed away, Dr. and Luther have been wet to the skin most of the day. As yet they have lost nothing but some fencing, though much rich soil is being washed away from the flowed ground. A patch of fine growing cabbages and turnips is also deluged. (T.S.R. 48. 2 P.M. 52. S.S. 53.)
Date Original
January 1866
Dates Covered
Original diary dimensions: 23 x 35 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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Delia Locke, diaries, women, diarist, California, Locke-Hammond Family Papers, Lockeford, CA, Dean Jewett Locke, rural life, rural California, 19th Century, church, temperance organizations, Mokelumne River Ladies' Sewing Circle, temperature recordings, journal