teresting. One little race took place, then we started away, drove to Mrs. Kerr's, where we were treated to grapes and pies - then started home. Our drive home was a pleasant one. Josiah rode with us, and we had singing by moonlight. Found things all right at home. Sept. 26. Saturday. Mr. Harnett arrived here before dinner, and remained through the day. I feel much fatigued. (T.S.R. 53. 2 P.M. 81. S.S. 72.) Sept. 27. Sabbath. Mr. Harnett lectured at three o'clock in the Hall on Bible Temperance. There was a pretty good attendance and we had a good lecture. (T.S.R. 51. 2 P.M. 78. S.S. 66.) Sept. 28. Monday. Josiah is here and sick. (T.S.R. 47. 2 P.M. 77. S.S. 69.) Sept. 29. Tuesday. Mrs. Rogers washed for me. Mr. Bramall made a short call. He is on his way to form a new Division at Farmington. Susie has also called. (T.S.R. 51. 2 P.M. 81. S.S. 73.) Sept. 30. Wednesday. Mrs. Rogers has been here at work. Susie has been here helping Father pack his trunk. He is to leave us tomorrow, and I have written a letter to mother to send by him. (T.S.R. 47. 2 P.M. 88. S.S. 82.) Oct. 1. Thursday. Father left us this morning for the Atlantic States. Dr. went with him to Stockton. He is to go in company with Geo. Houland and others. I have sent ten dollars as a present to Mother and the rest. My little children are quite unwell. Mrs. Finchers called this afternoon. Just at night, Susie sent for me. She was sick in bed, and Geo. in Sacramento. After getting supper upon the table, Josiah and I went over in the buggy, leaving Mr. Wallace in charge of the children. Found Susie suffering with pain and distress in the head, and the baby sick and troublesome, made them as comfortable as I could, then left them, and Dr. has been over since arriving home. (T.S.R. 46. 2 P.M. 91. S.S. 75.) Oct. 2. Friday. Messrs. Compton and Flood to dinner. They are much interested in the new mines near Humboldt. Susie is quite sick and Sarah has been here today. (T.S.R. 49. 2 P.M. 92. S.S. 81.) Oct. 3. Saturday. Very warm. (T.S.R. 55. 2 P.M. 90. S.S. 79.) Oct. 4. Sabbath. Susie is quite sick. I have not felt able to go over to see her. (T.S.R. 51. 2 P.M. 84. S.S. 71.) Oct. 5. Monday. Mrs. Rogers has washed for me. Susie is somewhat better but being unable to sit up. She could not take care of her baby, so I have had him here. (T.S.R. 50. 2 P.M. 79. S.S. 65.) Oct. 6. Tuesday. Mrs. Rogers has been here at work today. Little Elmer is here also. (T.S.R. 48. 2 P.M. 80. S.S. 70.) Oct. 7. Wednesday. Weather quite warm. (T.S.R. 49. 2 P.M. 83. S.S. 70.) Oct. 8. Thursday. Mrs. Norton called to get something to relieve an aching tooth. Susie is better, and the baby has been taken home. (T.S.R. 49. 2 P.M. 75. S.S. 65.) Oct. 9. Friday. (T.S.R. 52. 2 P.M. 81. S.S. 73.) Oct. 10. Saturday. Mr. Geo. Thomason and a man who came with him took tea here tonight. Ida is now eighteen mos. old, and is the smallest of all the five children, weighing but twentyone pounds. She has sixteen teeth, the same number that Ada and Howard, two more than Luther and four more than Horace Mann. She is as forward about talking as any of them and very active, running all over the yard of play, climbing upon chairs and even upon the table, when she sees anything she desires to reach. She has more hair than any of them, and seems to me to be the prettiest child. (T.S.R. 48. 2 P.M. 84. S.S. 77.) Oct. 11. Sabbath. I have not been well today. Mr. Hale preached at the Methodist church, the Mr. Hale that formerly preached here on the circuit, about five years ago. (T.S.R. 48. 2 P.M. 86. S.S. 77.) Oct. 12. Monday. Today Dr. placed Howard upon the dun mare's back as she was standing drinking at the trough, saddled and bridled. She was started by a bee, and Howard being frightened, gave a scream, which frightened the mare, and she started on a run around the house toward the stable. He was thrown off but not badly hurt. We were much frightened, as he could only hold to the pommel of the saddle. (T.S.R. 49. 2 P.M. 86. S.S. 76.) Oct. 13. Tuesday. Mrs. Rogers washed for me. (T.S.R. 50. 2 P.M. 84. S.S. 70.) Oct. 14. Wednesday. Mrs. Rogers has been here at work today, and Mr. Rogers dined here. (T.S.R. 50. 2 P.M. 82. S.S. 73.) Oct. 15. Thursday. Very warm still. (T.S.R. 46. 2 P.M. 86. S.S. 80.) Oct. 16. Friday. Windy yet warm. (T.S.R. 51. 2 P.M. 86. S.S. 78.) Oct. 17. Saturday. Weather still windy. We have received letters from mother. All were well. (T.S.R. 58. 2 P.M. 83. S.S. 73.)
Date Original
September 1863
Dates Covered
Original diary dimensions: 23 x 35 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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Delia Locke, diaries, women, diarist, California, Locke-Hammond Family Papers, Lockeford, CA, Dean Jewett Locke, rural life, rural California, 19th Century, church, temperance organizations, Mokelumne River Ladies' Sewing Circle, temperature recordings, journal