
Delia Locke


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Aug. 29. Friday. (T.S.R. 51. 2 P.M. 79. S.S.72.) Aug. 30. Saturday. (T.S.R. 54. 2 P.M. 89. S.S.72.) Aug. 31. Sabbath. This morning, taking all the children with me except little Horace, whom I left with Susie. I went with Dr. to attend Camp meeting near Wilhelm's ferry. Emma went on horseback in company with Roland. The day was bright and too warm for comfort. Arrived there, we were scarcely seated, when George Flood and Jordena Compton walked out in front of the speaker's stand, in company with two other couples and were married by Mr. Anderson. This was unexpected to us, as we knew nothing of such intention. After this, we had a sermon from the text, "We know that we have passed from death unto life." Thoughts not well connected. After the sermon, we went out under the trees and ate our dinner. Next we heard some good singing from Mr. Hett & others. We then got into our carriage and rode to Mr. Flood's. She has a young babe, and Dr. was obliged to visit her. Found her getting along well, in bed with her twelvth child. George and Jordena came home while we were there. They are to live there for the present. Saw there Mrs. Fouler, a Mass. Lady who resides near there. We arrived home about dark. Horace is now twenty mos. old. He has not gained any in weight the past months, and weighs but twenty two pounds, Ada's weight at the same age. The others were larger. He is the most backward of any, a very feeble child, and sits in the working chair most of the time. He seems to have an incessant thirst for water. He has sixteen teeth, but his bowels are very trouble some. (T.S.R. 58. 2 P.M. 89. S.S. 75.) Sept. 1. Monday. (T.S.R. 60. 2 P.M. 88. S.S. 74.) Sept. 2. Tuesday. Geo. Thomason dined here. This eve we had three men to supper who have been driving hogs for us. Dr. has purchased a drove, and among them one weighing nearly seven hundred pounds. (T.S.R. 55. 2 P.M. 86.S.S. 76.) Sept. 3. Wednesday. This is election day. School did not keep this afternoon. (T.S.R. 55. 2 P.M. 90.S.S. 80.) Sept. 4. Thursday. (T.S.R. 56. 2 P.M. 87. S.S. 74.) Sept. 5. Friday. (T.S.R. 55. 2 P.M. 85.S.S. 74.) Sept. 6. Saturday. We have attended the Division this eve. Things have passed off pleasantly. The weather is very warm for this season. (T.S.R. 55. 2 P.M. 95.S.S. 84.) Sept. 7. Sabbath. Just as we were about going into church today, Mr. & Mrs. Fouler and two little ones called. They wished medical treatment for the youngest. When they have gone, we went into church, but were not in time to hear the text. Mr. Blakeslee was preaching on the state of the nation. He thought our national sins, especially the sine of slavery, were now receiving chastisement by this trouble war. The opinion extensively prevails that the war cannot end till slavery is annihilated. May war and slavery end together, and that soon, is my fervent with. (T.S.R. 50. 2 P.M. 98. S.S. 86.) Monday Sept. 8. Very oppressive heat. (T.S.R. 62. 2 P.M. 98.S.S. 82.) Sept. 9. Tuesday. The County Fair is to take place in Stockton this week, and as Emma has leave to attend, she has gone home this morning with Dr. Mrs. Warren of Sac. with Milton and Anna have visited me today, and together we have been to the store and Mr. Hett's Mrs. Warren and children have now gone to Mr. Montgomery's. (T.S.R. 61. 2 P.M. 93.S.S. 82.) Sept. 10. Wednesday. Mr. J. H. Smith dined with us. Ida is now five months old. She is the smallest of the five babies, as she weighs but fifteen pounds. But she is active and playful, remaining me usual of Ada. She is very fond of having the children play to her as she lies on the bed and will laugh and giggle much when they do so. She is strong and sprightly, and looks very attentively at a strange face, or at a change in my own dress. (T.S.R. 59. 2 P.M. 93. S.S. 82.) Sept. 11. Thursday. We have today received another letter from mother. She writes that one hundred and seventeen soldiers have gone to war from Abington. No wonder the people there are deeply interested in the progress of the war. She has a fine lot of fruit this year. (T.S.R. 55.2 P. M. 91.S.S. 74.) Sept. 12. Friday. Cooler. (T.S.R. 48. 2 P.M. 79.S.S. 71.)

Date Original

August 1862

Dates Covered



Original diary dimensions: 23 x 35 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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Delia Locke, diaries, women, diarist, California, Locke-Hammond Family Papers, Lockeford, CA, Dean Jewett Locke, rural life, rural California, 19th Century, church, temperance organizations, Mokelumne River Ladies' Sewing Circle, temperature recordings, journal
