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1908. Oct. 23. Friday. Have written to Weldon and Dr. N. Tucker. The meetinghouse is now finished as to class-rooms, all but the painting and varnishing, which we propose to do when we have paid the other bills. The work seems satisfactory. (T.S.R. 42. 2 P.M. 69. S.S. 64.)
Oct. 24. Saturday. It is now ten years since our meeting to divide the Estate, and Locke Webster is ten years old. Received letters from Ada and Will Cooke and wrote to the children in the East. Mother Hartwell called this P.M. It has been more than ten years since we met and time has changed us. I had a pleasant talk with her of old times as well as the present. Especially we talked of the Brakeman family. Olive (Davis) Watkins, who with her second husband, now lives near Davisville, is at present visiting her another here, who at 86 years old, is getting very feeble and almost blind. Olive and Henry, her children, think she should not live alone, but she is not willing to move. Mary, with her second husband, Robertson (I think) lives in Mendocino Co. Her three daughters are married To three brothers and lives near Fresno. Mrs. Hartwell is strong for one of her years. (T.S.R. 44. 2 P.M. 72. S.S. 64.)
Oct. 25. Sabbath. Will Moore is 60 yrs. old. Rev. Harkin's preached for us in A.M. and Mrs. Washburn of Lodi spoke for the W.C.T.U. in the M.E. Church in the evening. Rev. Hoskins called this P.M. He is not so very old but his voice has failed him so that he cannot keep a pastorate, and his home is now at Beulah Heights, Mrs. Washburn is here for the night. (T.S.R. 43. 2 P.M. 75. S.S. 66.)
Oct. 26. Monday. Received letters from Eunice and Weldon and wrote to Eureka and Delia Parker. (T.S.R. 43. 2 P.M. 76. S.S. 70.)
Oct. 27. Tues. We are having most lovely weather just perfect. Received a letter from Theresa and wrote to Ada. (T.S.R. 45. 2 P.M. 76. S.S. 66.)
Oct. 28. Wednes. Received letter from Chester and wrote to Theresa. Chester has registered and is, for the first-time, to vote for President this year. (T.S.R. 44. 2 P.M. 66. S.S. 60.)
Oct. 29. Thurs. Received letter from Willie and a box of flowers by Express from Theresa from her garden, chrysanthemums, cosmos and nasturtiums. Her card inside stated she wished me to have some enjoyment of of her flowers before the frost killed them down. But O they are sweet, like the love which prompted the sending, but not like them, so fleeting. Her flowers grow very rank. Cosmos from 6 to 8 ft. high and the others large and sweet. We have had a very little rain this evening. (T.S.R. 39. 2 P.M. 70. S.S. 62.)
Oct. 30. Friday. Eddie is today 37 yrs. old, and O how he has been blessed the past year. He now has the little son he so desired, besides three girls and wife all spaced to him through many sicknesses. How can be help singing praises to the Lord for all His benefits!
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1908. For he can sing, so much more sweetly than many - is really talented in this respect. O that he may have the heart to do so. The morning was foggy. Have written to Myrtle. Yesterday I began swing together the woolen quilt I am making. (T.S.R. 46. 2 P.M. 68. S.S. 62.)
Oct. 31. Saturday. Morning foggy. Delia Parker is now nine years old - a dear, good girl. Received letters from Ada and Will Cooke and wrote to the children in the East. (T.S.R. 43. 2 P.M. 65. S.S. 61.)
Nov. 1. Sabbath. Rev. Hoskins preached for us again today. (T.S.R. 43. 2 P.M. 68. S.S. 64.)
Nov. 2. Monday. Have written to Portland. (T.S.R. 42. 2 P.M. 69. S.S. 64.)
Nov. 3. Tuesday. This is the great day of the Nation. Election Day to vote for President. William Howard Taft was elected by large majority over Bryan, Chafin and Debs. I have three grandsons old enough to vote, and I suppose all voted for Taft, viz: Weldon C. Benton Pascoe and Chester Locke. Have written to Ada. (T.S.R. 38. 2 P.M. 71. S.S. 64.)
Nov. 4. Wednes. The Good Templar's organ was moved to the new Infant Class room at the Meetinghouse, for the use of the little ones in S.S. Received letters from Theresa and Willie. (T.S.R. 42. 2 P.M. 74. S.S. 65.)
Nov. 5. Thurs. Laura and Hannah visited Mrs. Geo. Jack and the little Votaw girl. Mrs. Jack does not seem to be improving - has not been able to ride out since she returned from the Hospital, and is feeble. On the contrary Vira Votaw is recovering nicely, sits up, and although she is not allowed to step on the injured foot, yet feels circulation in it. Have written to Theresa. (T.S.R. 43. 2 P.M 69. S.S. 63.)
Nov. 6. Friday. We have most lovely weather. (T.S.R. 42. 2 P.M. 70. S.S. 63.)
Nov. 7. Saturday. Received a letter from Ada and Willi Cooke and wrote to the children in the East. (T.S.R. 43. 2 P.M. 73. S.S. 66.)
Nov. 8. Sabbath. Rev. Morgan, a student from the Theological Seminary, filled our pulpit. Alma Locke came in, and later, Bro. Horace and Anna, who are up for a little visit. Horace is showing his age considerably. (T.S.R. 44. 2 P.M. 70. S.S. 62.)
Nov. 9. Monday. Morning foggy. Received a letter from Calvin and wrote to Eureka. Mrs. Lopeman called. This is the first time I have met her. (T.S.R. 42. 2 P.M. 67. S.S. 58.)
Nov. 10. Tuesday. Mr. Cooke is 56 yrs. old. Received a letter from Mrs. Smart and wrote to Ada. Horace and Anna visited us this A.M. and dined with us. (T.S.R. 41. 2 P.M. 60. S.S. 52.)
Nov. 11. Wednesday. Geo has been so poorly of late that he and Estelle have gone to San Francisco to consult Dr. Knorp at St. Mary's Hospital. He
Date Original
January 1907
Dates Covered
Circa Date
circa 1907-1911
Original dimensions: 23 x 37 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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Delia Locke, diaries, women, diarist, California, Locke-Hammond Family Papers, Lockeford, CA, Dean Jewett Locke, rural life, rural California, 19th Century, church, temperance organizations, Mokelumne River Ladies' Sewing Circle, temperature recordings, journal