Feb. 1. Sabbath. T.S.R. 46. 2 P.M. 72. S.S. 64.Today, leaving Luther at home withRobert, we went down to S. school.There was a pretty good attendance,though not as good as we shouldlike to see. After S. school, Elmercommenced a Singing school,which I think will prove bothinteresting and profitable. Hehas quite a faculty for adaptinghimself to the minds of childrenso as to keep them interested. ThereforeI hope a great number of themwill avail themselves of the opportunityof learning to sing, for itmust have an influence on theneighborhood for good.Feb. 2. T.S.R. 46. 2 P.M. 58. S.S. 56. We havehad cloudy weather today. Lutherhas been the most unwell thatI have ever seen him. He hasnot wished to sit up any, andhis appetite has been very poor.His head has also been very hot.This is probably owing to teething,in addition to a cold,Feb.2. which has increased his whoopingcough. Dr. thinks it is nothing serious.Feb. 3. T.S.R. 38.2 P. M. 57. S.S. 49. Luther isbetter today. We have received moreletters from home. Sister Susan writesthat she thinks of commencing toattend the Normal school at Bridgewater next month. This we very muchdesired and urged a year ago; butnow I cannot bear to think ofthe eighteen months, at least,which must be added to the termof our separation, if she goes there.If she goes, no doubt it will be agood thing for her; but it is aquestion in my mind, whethershe would not be getting and doingmore good, should she come herenow. She will spend a year and ahalf of the most valuable part ofher life, in doing little besides preparingherself for the remainderof her life. Life, at longest is butshort, but may her life be long,which shall be thus prepared for.Mother writes that Brother Josiah is
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Original diary dimensions: 15 x 22 cm.
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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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Delia Locke, diaries, women, diarist, California, Locke-Hammond Family Papers, Lockeford, CA, Dean Jewett Locke, rural life, rural California, 19th Century, church, temperance organizations, Mokelumne River Ladies' Sewing Circle, temperature recordings, journal