
Delia Locke


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Jan. 2 some time. I am afraid it will gohard with him, as he is so fat andteething too. But "sufficient unto"each day is the evil thereof. "Anothersemi-monthly mail has arrived, andwe have received letters from N. E.Bro. George writes that he is of theopinion that Mother Locke willnot return with him to Cal. asshe has just been building overher house. He feels very badlyabout it, as do we all. The societyhere is not of a kind to please me,but how can it be good unlessthere are some to make it so. So Imust set as good an example as Ican, relying on Our Heavenly Fatherfor wisdom to direct me.Jan. 3. T.S.R. 44. 2 P.M. 53. S.S. 48. ShoweryJan. 4.Sabbath. T.S.R. 41. 2 P.M. 52. S.S.44.This day has also been showery, sothat I did not attend S. school,which was held, for the first timeat the new schoolhouse. (octagon)Jan. 5. T.S.R. 38. 2 P.M. 57. S.S. 50. Mr. Haywoodhas left us to work for Elmer. TheJan. 5. Dr. is very busy now, having todayrode thirty six miles and visitedseven patients. There seems to be agreat deal of sickness about here.Jan. 6. T.S.R. 32. 2 P.M. 55. S.S. 52.Jan. 7. Wednesday. T.S.R. 30. 2 P.M. 45 S.S. 42.Mr. Megerle, who, with his family,has recently removed into this neighborhoodfrom Sacramento, called herefor a short time. Mr. Walker was hereand took tea with us.Jan. 8. T.S.R. 24. 2 P.M. 49. S.S. 43. Mr. T. B.Parker is having what is termed an"Anniversary Ball" this evening. Wereceived an invitation a few daysago, but have no inclination to go.Jan. 9. T.S.R. 23. 2 P.M. 49. S.S. 43. Last nightafter we had got to bed and weresoundly asleep, we were awakened bya call for the Dr. to go and attend aman who had been wounded at theball. It proved to be a man whom wecall Dutch John, who has been atwork for Elmer for some time past.Being very much intoxicated, he wasstabbed in the back by a man.

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Original diary dimensions: 15 x 22 cm.

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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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Delia Locke, diaries, women, diarist, California, Locke-Hammond Family Papers, Lockeford, CA, Dean Jewett Locke, rural life, rural California, 19th Century, church, temperance organizations, Mokelumne River Ladies' Sewing Circle, temperature recordings, journal
