
Delia Locke


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1899. baby girl came to their house to stay on the last day of October. Ida and baby are comfortable. (T.S.R. 50. 2 P.M. 62. S.S. 57.)

Nov. 5. Sabbath. The forenoon was foggy. We have received cards of invitation to the marriage of Louise Hammond of Montana, to Dr. William Washington Ashley, to take place in the Episcopal church there on the 15th inst. This is a perfect surprise. (T.S.R. 44. 2 P.M. 65. S.S. 58.)

Nov. 6. Monday. Weather Foggy and cloudy. Have written to Lizzie McLellan. (T.S.R. 48. 2 P.M. 62. S.S. 58.)

Nov. 7. Tuesday. Weather still a little foggy and cloudy. Susie and Mertice went to San Francisco to set up furniture in their hired house on Valencia St. leaving baby Gerould with Lilla. Alfred Jory is sick with mumps to which he was somewhere exposed on his wedding trip. Received a letter from Theresa and wrote to the children in Humboldt Co. (T.S.R. 40. 2 P.M. 64. S.S. 55.)

Nov. 8. Wednesday. Weather cloudy and a little rainy. Received letters from Will Cooke and Ada and wrote to Theresa. (T.S.R. 48. 2 P.M. 61. S.S. 57.)

Nov. 9. Thursday. Weather still cloudy and a little rainy. Have written to Ada. Hannah went up to Mrs. Dill's and tuned her piano. (T.S.R. 56. 2 P.M. 66. S.S. 63.)

Nov. 10. Friday. Very rainy. Have exchanged letters with Mother. (T.S.R. 56. 2 P.M. 64. S.S. 61.)

Nov. 11. Saturday. Weather foggy and rainy. The river has risen so that it is partly overflowing John's potatoes on John Hammond's land. Received letters from Willie and Calvin and wrote to the children in the East. Calvin is moving to 170 and 172 Hicks St. Brooklyn. N. Y. City. (T.S.R. 50. 2 P.M. 54. S.S. 53.)

Nov. 12. Sabbath. Susie called as she went home from church to say goodbye. We shall miss her dreadfully in church and S. School work, but she thinks she shall not stay away long. Received letters from Mother and Ida. Ida wrote hers in bed, taking parts of three days for it. She is very happy with her baby girl, whom she has named Delia. (T.S.R. 53. 2 P.M. 66. S.S. 60.)

Nov. 13. Monday. Cloudy weather. (T.S.R. 55. 2 P.M. 66. S.S. 60.)

Nov. 14. Tuesday. Morning foggy. Received a letter from Eunice and a pkg. of prices for patchwork, and wrote to the children in Humboldt Co. Rebecca called this P.M. and brought me a photo of Stella, Lou also came in. (T.S.R. 46. 2 P.M. 67. S.S. 61.)

Nov. 15. Wednesday. Weather cloudy and rainy. Received letters from Theresa, Ada and will Cooke and wrote to Theresa. (T.S.R. 54. 2 P.M. 58. S.S. 55.)

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First Annual Report of Lockeford Creamery (Abstract) made Sept. 30, 1899.

Cost of Machinery, Fixtures and Out fitting - 2361.53 Running Expenses for the year, including Labor, Rent, Wood, Ice and Sundries - 1920.32

Receipts for Butter and all other Creamery Products. 235 Shared @ 10. per shaw - paid up 1963.94 2350.

Nov. 16. Thursday. Partly cloudy. Received letter from Willie and wrote to Ada. (T.S.R. 47. 2 P.M. 61. S.S. 55.)

Nov. 17. Friday. Morning foggy. I have paid Calaveras Co. taxes today. Also have written to Mother. (T.S.R. 42. 2 P.M. 57. S.S. 52.)

Nov. 18. Saturday. Received a letter from Calvin and wrote to the children in the East. (T.S.R. 42. 2 P.M. 60. S.S. 54.)

Nov. 19. Sabbath. The morning was cloudy and rainy. Received letters from Eunice and Mother. Father has been quite sick the past week, but is now a little better. This is the birthday of Willie and Hannah. He is thirtyfour years old, she thirtytwo, and as usual they have exchanged gifts. This year, it has been silver spoons. Willie sent her a dozen tea - spoons, and she sent him also Calvin, some table spoons. Calvin's as a wedding present. (T.S.R. 46. 2 P.M. 62. S.S. 55.)

Nov. 20. Monday. The morning was foggy and the day partly cloudy. Have written to Josiah. (T.S.R. 45. 2 P.M. 57. S.S. 53.)

Nov. 21. Tuesday. The morning was very rainy and the entire day either cloudy or rainy. Received letters from Theresa and Ada and wrote to the children in Humboldt Co. (T.S.R. 46. 2 P.M. 54. S.S. 50.)

Nov. 22. Wednes. Morning foggy and forenoon cloudy. This is our Calvin's wedding day - united in marriage with Miss Lallian Green of New York City, in an Episcopal church near by their residence. We hope all things are suspicious. We learn that Vice President Hobart died yesterday at his home in Paterson, New Jersey, having been ill a number of months. (T.S.R. 44. 2 P.M. 50. S.S. 45.)

Nov. 23. Thursday. Fanny McGary called last evening and I wrote yesterday to Theresa. Today I have written to Ada. This has been one of the few pleasant days of the month (T.S.R. 40. 2 P.M. 56. S.S. 50.)

Date Original

January 1898

Dates Covered


Circa Date

circa 1898-1902


Original dimensions: 22 x 36 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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Delia Locke, diaries, women, diarist, California, Locke-Hammond Family Papers, Lockeford, CA, Dean Jewett Locke, rural life, rural California, 19th Century, church, temperance organizations, Mokelumne River Ladies' Sewing Circle, temperature recordings, journal