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Dec. 2. sent to us by friends. We invitedFather and Elmer to dine withus but E. was too busy to come.Father enjoyed it well. I have beenwriting to Sister Susie.Dec. 3. Wednesday. T.S.R. 28. 2 P.M. 51.S.S. 46. Today we have received lettersfrom home, and I cannot rejoiceat the intelligence they bring. Ihave another brother - born on the19th of October - six months youngerthan my little Luther. I donot rejoice because my dear mother,who was already almostweighed down by cares, has nowa great addition to those cares.Besides, sister writes that motheris not, and has not been, at allwell, and she (sister) wonders howmother has been able to write to meevery mail, as she has done. Anotherreason for a feeling almostakin to regret, is, that now inall probability, neither my parents orSusan will be able to come out here atpresent. Both father and mother havebeen inclined to come, but this littleone will detain them for some time.Dec. 3. Both the Dr. and myself havestrongly urged and invited Susan tocome when brother George returns. AndI think our parents would be verywilling for her to do so, under othercircumstances. But now she will notwillingly leave mother. But all is forthe best, no doubt. Another sad itemcontained in the letter is that ofcousin Loraine's death. Though wehave been expecting it long, yetits occurrence loses none of its sadnessfrom that circumstance. Shedied on the nineteenth of Oct. thesame day on which my little brotherwas born. She was thus aged twentyyears, one month and ten days, Atthat age, I was, as I am now, thehappy wife of a very kind husbandand the favored mother of a finelittle boy. What a contrast betweenher lot and mine! A wreath of whiteflowers was bound upon my brow asI stood, a happy bride, at the marriagealtar. But the while wreath which waswoven for her, decorated her coffin,which contained "the last of earth".Ought I not to be thankful? Most so.
Date Original
December 1856
Dates Covered
Original diary dimensions: 13 x 20 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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Delia Locke, diaries, women, diarist, California, Locke-Hammond Family Papers, Lockeford, CA, Dean Jewett Locke, rural life, rural California, 19th Century, church, temperance organizations, Mokelumne River Ladies' Sewing Circle, temperature recordings, journal