
Page 6
Church - Geo. Locke re-united - 220 Chicken-pox - George and Eunice had - 223 Theresa and Chester-229 Combined Harvester for the first time at work - 233 Church - Cong.-organized at West Point - 235. Camping - Eunice went to Pescadero with Pascoe family-235 Contract with Mr. Clifford to take orchard - 243 Choral Society of Lockeford organized - 251 Coldest weather ever known here - 276 Corner-stone of new Court house laid in Stockton - 281 Cyclone - 282 Claim of L.W. Elliott against Est. settled- 298 Camping - Hannah with Ada - 299 Calvin joined Golden Gate Church - 332 Church - Josie Inglis, Mrs. Nelmes & Mrs. Thomas joined - 338 Centennial of Inaugeration of First President of W.S. - 340 Calvin went East to enter Phillips Academy of Exeter, N.H.-364 Church - Mr. V. Farrington joined - 369. Geo. Gray joined - 453 Died - Dollie Owens - 294. James P. Grant - 296 (Continued on page 8-) Died - Gen'l Phil Sheridan - 303. Mrs. Margaret (Mont.) McDowell - 308 Died - Mr. Freeman - 308. Will Kessler - 316. Moffat idiot child - 320 Died - Josie Dale - 324. Allen LeFaber - 326. Mrs. Forrest Forte - 339. Died - Mrs. Peter Sherden - 340. Mrs. Maggie LeFaber - 341 Daley's wagon shop moved - 343 - Died - Sarah Grace Locke - 343 Drowned - Lura Smith - 344 Died - Mrs. Nelmes-351 Fanny Hackett 360 Died - Rev. W.H. Pascoe. Aug. 5, 1889. 358 - Emma Hedge of Plymouth. 360. Died - Mrs. Sarah Winsor of N. Abington - 362. Allen Athearn - 380 Died - Harry Eggleston Watson in Arizona - 368. Warren Misener-387 Died - Uncle Chas. Stetson of North Abington - 384 Judson Baird - 392 Died - Thomas Wiley - 396. John O'Neil's baby - 405 Drowned - Mr. Hoffman of Rio Dell - 410. Died, Rev. P. Diwnell - 410 Died - Julius Young - 412. Ed. Houseman-413. William Van Gorder. 413 Died - Col. John C. Fremont - 415. Mrs. Fogarle, 415. W.B. Piper-417 Died - Ada (McMartin) Ziegnefelder-420. William Hannegan-420 Died - Mrs. Knight-423. Rev. L.T. Mason - 427. Eunice (Wardrobe) Whale. 431- Died - Peter Clapp-432. Martin-the Sheep-herder-433. Joe Peters-434 Died - Mrs. L. Flanders-434. Mr. Barnhart-435. Charles Bamert-435. Died - Mrs. Tighlman's babe-435. John Simpson-438. Alice's Father-438 Died - Uncle Benj. Hammond-438. Gen. Sherman-440. Admiral Porter. 440.
Continued on page 4.
Page 7
Eyes - Hannah went to oakland to have them treated - 32 Eclipse - nearly total of sun - 44 Encampment - National - G.A.R. in San Francisco - 145. Earthquake in Charleston - S.C. 153. Election of Gov. Bartlett - 166 Earthquake - 227. Excursion of Eastern teachers to Cal- 301 Election of Benj. Harrison as President - 315 Eclipse - of sun - nearly total - 324. Earthquake, May 19-1889. - 343
Fire - Mr. Grant's kitchen burned - 79 Flood - carried away bridge across first slough - 104. Flood in Boston - 112 Fire in Lodi on Sacramento St. - 255 Fence - slat wire-made around park.-283. Fire - Chinese laundry burned - 302 Fire - burned Uncle Geo's sonall barn in Lockeford 364 Funeral of Clara and Arthur Ross - 378 Flood in Stockton - 391. Flood that killed fruit-trees - 397 Father started to visit friends in the East - 405 Flag entertainment to get flag for School house - 408 Flood almost entire - 408. Raising the flag - 410. Flood - almost entire - 441
Date Original
January 1885
Dates Covered
Circa Date
circa 1885-1891
Original dimensions: 21 x 34 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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Delia Locke, diaries, women, diarist, California, Locke-Hammond Family Papers, Lockeford, CA, Dean Jewett Locke, rural life, rural California, 19th Century, church, temperance organizations, Mokelumne River Ladies' Sewing Circle, temperature recordings, journal