"Little Theater Group program (1-27-43)" by Unknown





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Program for series of 3 one-act plays performed on January 1=27, 1943 in the Tule Lake Relocation Center in Newell, California by the Little Theater Group.



Little Theater Group

Welcomes you to its Jan-

Series of One Act Plays

1 "The Boor"

by Anton Tchekov

2 "Beauty and the Jacobin"

by Booth Tarkington

3. Grandma Pulls the String"

by Edith Delano-Dvid Carb

Hall 408 8:15 P.M.

First page:

The Boor

Characters: (as they speak)

Luka ....... Jiro Shimoda

Mrs. Popov ... Grace Yamadera

Smirnov .... Ted Tokuno

Time: Early 1900's, summer morning.

Beauty and the Jacobin

Characters: (as they speak)

Anne de Laseyne.. Keiko Yatsu

Louis Valny-Cherault .. Hiroshi Kashiwagi

Eloise D'anville .. Suteko Sakuma

Valsin ....... Perry Saito

Dassonville ... Morse Saito

Time: November, 1783

Second page:

Grandma Pulls the String

Characters: (as they speak)

Nancy .... Nancy Notomatsu

Grandma .... Yoshie Furuta

Nona ..... Kay Murata

Mrs. Cummings ... Kiku Tomita

Julia ..... Lily Kamikawa

Helen Kakagawa

Bill ..... Gene Kubo

Time: the present.


Mrs. Sada Murayama

The Little Theater acknowledges with gratitude the assistance of the following in the direction of the plays:

Miss Jeannette Smoyer

Mrs. Don Elberson

Mr. Garrett Starmer

Back page:


Mr. Slattery & Construction Dept.

Grace Hosokawa & Floral Dept.

Bob Ota and Block Managers

Union Church

Community Activity Poster Dept.

Tulean Dispatch


Programs .... Mike Tamata

Usherettes ..... Lickle Moriyasu

Mei Yamasaki

Laura Fujiye

Make-up ..... Marian Ishii

Flora Terada



Date Created and/or Issued


Publication Information

Tulelake Colony [Tule Lake Relocation Center]

Contributing Institution

Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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Little Theater Group program (1-27-43)
