Scholarly Commons - Conference on Creative Writing at Pacific: Deep Point-of-View

Deep Point-of-View

Presenter Information

Bonnie Hearn Hill


Benerd School of Education, Room 110C

Start Date

18-5-2019 3:00 PM

End Date

18-5-2019 4:15 PM


Have you been accused of head-hopping or POV ping-pong? Did you know that most plot problems are really POV problems? Learn how to move from first-level POV, to deep POV, where you don’t just see but feel the character. Find out how to incorporate that dreaded backstory and how to avoid the pitfalls of multiple (uncontrolled) POV characters. When you mindfully master point-of-view, you can decide which rules to break. This workshop will show you how.


Bonnie Hearn Hill wanted to write fiction about social-justice issues, and when she fell into a six-book deal with one of the largest publishers in the world, she saw it as an opportunity to do just that. Her suspense novels cover topics ranging from women and body image, to stalkers, to off-the-grid communities. Her eighteenth novel, The River Below, set along the San Joaquin River bluffs, was published in January. Publishers Weekly called it “a poignant standalone” and an ” emotionally involving novel (that) builds to a surprising, heart-wrenching climax.” A film based on one of her books is currently in pre-production. A national contest judge and mentor to numerous writers, she has co-hosted a Central California television news network’s book segment for fourteen years. Bonnie believes in the old-fashioned first rule of writing, BIC (Butt in Chair) and says, “I love everything about writing, even when I hate it.”


May 18th, 3:00 PM May 18th, 4:15 PM

Deep Point-of-View

Benerd School of Education, Room 110C

Have you been accused of head-hopping or POV ping-pong? Did you know that most plot problems are really POV problems? Learn how to move from first-level POV, to deep POV, where you don’t just see but feel the character. Find out how to incorporate that dreaded backstory and how to avoid the pitfalls of multiple (uncontrolled) POV characters. When you mindfully master point-of-view, you can decide which rules to break. This workshop will show you how.