University of the Pacific

About S3

The Science Seminar Series at Pacific (S3@Pacific) is a concerted effort to promote the knowledge of science, to highlight the intersections among disciplines and to foment interactions between different Departments and Schools within University of the Pacific. S3@Pacific is sponsored by the School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences and the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, the Departments of Biological Sciences and Chemistry in the College of the Pacific, the Bioengineering program in the School of Engineering and Computer Science, and the Office of the Provost.


S3@Pacific will expose members of the University of the Pacific Community to cutting-edge research and development in the biological, biomedical, and pharmaceutical sciences. The series will promote the interaction between science and engineering departments across the University of the Pacific, fostering cross-disciplinary collaborative works within our university and with other institutions. University of the Pacific students, faculty, and other interested members will be introduced to research in diverse bioscience disciplines by the scientific experts themselves and have an opportunity to network with speakers during informal campus lunches following the presentations.

Target audience

S3@Pacific is targeted, but not limited, to undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, and other members of the Pacific community involved or interested in biological research. Members of any University of the Pacific department or broader Pacific community are welcome to attend. Seminar speakers will be encouraged to provide a broad introduction to their work aiming at an interdisciplinary audience at the beginning of the lectures.


S3@Pacific talks will be delivered by leading experts in biology, biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences and related areas. Speakers will be invited by University of the Pacific faculty in the Pharmacology and Biological Sciences Departments. During their visit, speakers will meet with members of the faculty. After an hour-long lunchtime seminar presentation, Pacific undergraduate and graduate students and hosting faculty member(s) will accompany the speaker to a luncheon on campus that will facilitate informal scientific discussion and provide students with networking opportunities.


For the first series, speakers will be recruited locally from the San Francisco Bay, Davis, Sacramento, Merced and Stockton areas. Approximately half of the seminars will be given by University of the Pacific faculty from the Biological Sciences Department, Bioengineering program, and School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. The seminars will be held on the first Tuesday of each month at noon, unless determined otherwise.

Speaker's schedule

Speakers will meet individually with members of the Faculty before and after the seminar, starting at 9 am or depending on the speaker's and hosts' availability. Meetings will last 30-45 minutes and will provide networking and collaboration opportunities for Pacific faculty. After the seminar is finished, 5-8 students and hosting faculty will accompany the speaker to lunch at the River Room on campus. At the end of the day, the speaker will be accompanied to dinner by 2-3 members of the Pacific community, including the hosting Faculty, depending on the speaker's availability.

Speaker's seminar

The seminar will be expected to last around 45 minutes, followed by 15 minutes of questions from the audience. The hosting Faculty will accompany the speaker to the seminar room 15-30 minutes before the talk to set up audiovisual equipment. The speaker will be introduced to the audience prior to the lecture by the faculty host.

Transportation and lodging

For the first series, speakers will be recruited locally and will travel by car to the University. Reimbursement for gas will be provided. Speakers are not expected to stay overnight. Lunch will be provided and external speaker will receive an honorarium fee. Dinner may be provided to external speakers, depending on their availability.

S3@Pacific Team

, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology – School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

, Department of Biological Sciences – College of the Pacific

, Bioengineering – School of Engineering and Computer Sciences

, Department of Chemistry – College of the Pacific