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Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)


Educational Administration and Leadership

First Advisor

Dennis Brennan

First Committee Member

Norena Badway

Second Committee Member

Bea Lingenfelter

Third Committee Member

Jim Riggs


This research study addresses the problem of unmet facilities needs in the California Community College (CCC) system with a case study analysis of two major campus construction projects within the City College of San Francisco system (CCSF). Specifically, this study is intended to provide insight into the difficulties facing CCC administrators regarding unmet facilities needs within their campuses, and the overall processes and challenges involved in constructing the 21 st century CCC campus. Interviews with the campus deans of the CCSF Chinatown/North Beach and Mission District Campuses revealed that challenges for construction and modernization projects in the San Francisco City College system derive more from external stakeholder concerns than internal governance systems. In particular, the study focused on a satellite campus dean's role in the shared governance system for CCSF construction projects and how they effectively work in conjunction with CCSF leadership to garner community support, while mediating external opposition for projects. Findings from the study concurred in part with current literature regarding construction delays related to external stakeholder opposition and the role college administrators must play in ameliorating environmental, historical preservation, and corporate interest concerns for projects. Specifically, campus deans in the San Francisco City College system found that the practices of conducting information hearing sessions and forming internal/external/community advisory committees facilitated productive forums for hearing the concerns of key campus personnel and community stakeholders. Additionally, these practices allowed for more efficient project execution and the promotion of improved community relations within the neighboring communities for the campus projects in this study.





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