Expose: Juried Student Exhibition

Expose: Juried Student Exhibition


Exhibit Dates

November 30 - December 14, 2011


The Reynolds Gallery welcomes, Expose, a student-juried competition featuring works by currently enrolled Pacific students.

This exhibition is meant to provoke artists to consider the broad implications of exposure. "Exposed" may suggest revelation, without shelter or protection, vulnerability, display, disclosure or any other theme that the artist sees as evoking the exhibitions title.

Jurors are Pacific Seniors: Amanda Zimmerman B.F.A Studio Arts, Jennifer Sese B.F.A. Studio Arts, Clifton Thammavongsa B.F.A. Studio Arts, Lia Santini, B.A. Studio Arts and Jane Frost self-designed B.A. Visual Studies.

Paige Logsdon, Painting: Past, Present, Future
Eric Koester, Video: Escape to the Universe

Honorable Mention:
Joanne Kwan, Character Posters
Morgan Andre, Lost in Hopelessness
Jordan Ritz, Industrial Ballet

Juror's Statement:
This exhibition seeks to expose the artistic abilities of the students at the University of the Pacific. Expose is a collection of paintings, ceramics, video art, and photography that invites the viewer to examine the different style of each artist. The range of interpretations within this exhibition is vast and engaging.

Creativity and craftsmanship were an intricate part of the consideration of each piece of art for acceptance into the Expose exhibition. The collection of artwork not only had to be strong enough to stand alone, but also had to work as a group. The artwork in Expose is a brilliant representation of the many talented students at Pacific. With each student's distinct style, there is no indication of monotony.

The jurors greatly appreciate the efforts and time of all the artists involved in the Expose Exhibition.

Expose: Juried Student Exhibition
