Audio Loop Pedal

Lead Author Major

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Lead Author Status


Second Author Major

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Second Author Status


Third Author Major

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Third Author Status



SOECS Senior Project Demonstration

Faculty Mentor Name

Rahim Khoie

Faculty Mentor Department

Electrial & Computer Engineering

Additional Faculty Mentor Name

Cherian Matthews

Additional Faculty Mentor Department

Electrical & Computerr Engineering

Abstract/Artist Statement

The purpose of this project is to create a guitar pedal that records audio signals, and then plays back that same signal. The Audio Loop Pedal is designed to take in up to 14 seconds of audio and store up to 200 different audio samples. These samples to be played independent of incoming audio at discretion of the user. The pedal is controlled by two stomp switches. The overall design should be easy to use. One stomp switch controls record starts and stops. The other pauses or plays. Both at the same time will clear the signals in memory. The constraints are that the case be ordered from a singular manufacturer but still within the ambitious goal of a $50 dollar pedal. A single loop is 1mb while the ram of the Raspberry Pi Zero is 512mb the adc will sample at 50 khz our pedal is able to sample at 150 Ghz. The design incorporates a sallen key filter for loop volume and high and low pass filters.


School of Engineering & Computer Science

Start Date

4-5-2018 2:30 PM

End Date

4-5-2018 4:00 PM

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May 4th, 2:30 PM May 4th, 4:00 PM

Audio Loop Pedal

School of Engineering & Computer Science

The purpose of this project is to create a guitar pedal that records audio signals, and then plays back that same signal. The Audio Loop Pedal is designed to take in up to 14 seconds of audio and store up to 200 different audio samples. These samples to be played independent of incoming audio at discretion of the user. The pedal is controlled by two stomp switches. The overall design should be easy to use. One stomp switch controls record starts and stops. The other pauses or plays. Both at the same time will clear the signals in memory. The constraints are that the case be ordered from a singular manufacturer but still within the ambitious goal of a $50 dollar pedal. A single loop is 1mb while the ram of the Raspberry Pi Zero is 512mb the adc will sample at 50 khz our pedal is able to sample at 150 Ghz. The design incorporates a sallen key filter for loop volume and high and low pass filters.