Reverse Side Caption
California Navigation & Improvement Company (Stockton Steamers) Steamers leave Stockton and San Francisco Daily, including Sunday at 6:00 p.m., arriving at 6:00 a.m. San Francisco landing is within 300 feet of Ferry Building, without bother of transferring from train to Ferry. Stockton landing adjoins the Lincoln Highway directly opposite Hotel Stockton. At this point also is the terminal of the Central California Traction Co. and Tidewater Southern Railway to and from Modesto, Lodi, Sacramento and way points. Each line makes close connections. "A Journey Without the Exertion of Traveling." Stockton Office, Weber Ave. & El Dorado St., Phone Main 2031. San Francisco, Washington Street Wharf, Phone Kearny 442.
Contributing Institution
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
Resource Identifier
Circa Date
circa 1910
Rights Management
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San Joaquin County, Stockton California, photographs, postcard, photo, image, history, Western America
Geographic Coordinates
37.953118, -121.314005