Harry W. Williams
John Muir
Oakland Mar. 20th 1883.
Mr. Muir,
Dear friend:
I received your very kind note and I hope that you will excuse me for not answering it before. But to tell you the truth I have not had a minutes time to do anything in that line since I received it. I can assure you my dear friend that I appreciate your invitation vey much. When I think of the very pleasant visit I had last year, it makes me feel bad to tell you that I cannot accept it. There is considerable work to to be done just now and I think
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I ought to stay and do it. I am a member of the Young Men’s Christian Association. Therefore I consider it my duty to devote my Sunday’s to that worthy institution. You spoke of not having heard from mother since she left. I know that your will receive it as a sufficiet excuse when I tell you that she has been far from well. What between the change of climate, and the extreme cold weather, she was completely used up. She was unable to [illegible] her bed for quite a long time. I don’t remember just how long. She has thoroughly recovered now, and is enjoying hersely in Albany, N. Y. She intends returning home in May. it seems a very long time since she left, and I shall be very glad to see her
safely home again. We have been having very pleasant weather here in Oakland for some time past. I suppose the farmers would rather see signs of rain. It must be very nice for you since the doctor moved into his new house. Our friend Kieth, the artist, is to be married to a Miss McHenry (a young lady practicing law in San Francisco) in May. He then intends to go to Europe. I presume you have already heard of it. Remember me very kindly to the doctor and Mrs. Strentzel, and to Mrs Muir. Again thanking you for your kind invitation. I remain Yours Respectfully.
Harry W. Williams. 1020 -14 st.
Oakland, [Calif]
Date Original
1883 Mar 20
Original letter dimensions: 20.5 x 25 cm.
Recommended Citation
Williams, Harry W., "Letter from Harry W. Williams to John Muir, 1883 Mar 20." (1883). John Muir Correspondence (PDFs). 745.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 04, Image 1030
Collection Identifier
Online finding aid for the microform version of the John Muir Correspondence
Copyright Status
Copyright status unknown
Copyright Statement
Some letters written to John Muir may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.
Owning Institution
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.
2 pages
Environmentalist, naturalist, travel, conservation, national parks, John Muir, Yosemite, California, history, correspondence, letters