
Morrison, Jane: Moscone's appointing method


Jane Morrison: Unlike mayors before George Moscone, each mayor appointed to commissions – which was kind of an honorary mint position – to the people who gave them the most money. The favorite commission was [Recreation and Park] because those commissions got season baseball tickets and season football tickets. So those were the only people put on commissions. George Moscone came in and decided he would open it up to everybody, Gimmy had referred to that. George said that anyone who wanted to be on a commission should send in their application. He appointed former Supervisor Jack Morrison to be head of the committee. Sue Beerman and others who knew the city were members, and they reviewed the resumes that people sent in who wanted to be on a commission. They’d say which commission wanted; what their qualifications were. And they would pick four or five candidates from each group for each commission and give those resumes to George Moscone, and he’d pick the commissioner from there.


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The Moscone oral history interviews are part of the George Moscone Collection, MSS 328.

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Holt-Atherton Special Collections and Archives, University of the Pacific Library

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