
John Muir


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More & more troubled

Sent up his piercing cries of peril terror & agony

Sticks [constance] – sharp clear insufferable pain

I am sick & capable of fears; I am full of fears, subject to fears I ama dog human & therefore naturally born to fears

Whined in such plain pathetic way

Dull & unpromising & yet I know none to match with him. Will try to show what manner of dog he was who had done so much for me, [almost] marks an □ [ ] in my life

Wolves, jackals, foxes & the whole hairy dog tribe

Eyes deep wells, his mind like a boxed waterwheel grinding in the dark

Cold & lonely as an Artic Winter

□ He was [man] no longer only one dog but a 1000 dogs & more for in no small measure he gave me & stood like an apostle for the whole animal kingdom sympathy with all their wants griefs fears

What is called the “vague stare” of wild animals, not vague only unknown to us. His gaze shady as Natures self

The most tremendous necessity [ever] man or dog had to face crushed to screaming agony


In his gaze steady & tranquil as Nature herself

Easy to understand day unto day uttering speech in such storm

All my life far back as I can remember I have been familiar with dogs making friends of them speaking to them & giving them like most children credit for being wise far beyond what is accorded by grown men. Dash wonderful that would find what we had in dark rooms. Bony

The most sociable of animals

The dog is the one unfading link between man & beast, birds too whales

Didn’t appreciate a pat had a genius for doing odd unexpected things but always in a solemn way that [ ] invincible solemnity left [him] never, wide awake even in sleep

Perhaps there is truth in transmigration

# He enlarged my life extended its boundaries I always befriended animals & have said many a good word for the least loved mosquitoes I gave many a meal & told them to go in peace, alligators, tigers, wolves

Don’t know whether in his prime or before or after it He seemed neither old or young like a hill or stone

Resource Identifier

MuirReel33 Notebook01 Img053.Jpeg

Contributing Institution

Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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