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# The grand glacier drawn from lofty Crillon & La Perouse will ever be haunted with memories of Stick & the ice bridge will be remembered as the window through wh [which] I [gained] had my most precious & [vividest] clearest view of my annual fellow mortals
Always maintained a most serious self-possession like a big superannuated mastiff
Neutral or rather colorless in character at first sight
Fear began to creep about his heart, then thickened & quickened until he was racked & twisted like a leaf in a whirlwind. But at the height of his passion of fear his will at length asserted itself & by main strength of the storm of dread & despair was stilled as if suddenly a guardian angel had come to his help & saved him [to live a large & noble life]
# No wonder so many believe the souls of men enter animals at death for they demonstrate on & all in trials that make the truth shine clear that they are human & have souls like our own
Yes how small & doubtful is the sympathy we have commonly for our animal neighbors
Resource Identifier
MuirReel33 Notebook01 Img014.Jpeg
Contributing Institution
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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