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This pk [peak] & Millar about 13500 high?
Sept 29 camp on return at Big Meadows
Dir [Direction] of slate clvg [cleavage] vert [vertical] (nearly) where meets granite at fork of river, N60W
[sketch of two mountains with arrows]
Fronts on W [west] side San Joaq [Joaquin] Can [canyon] on S [South] Fork just above Fork of first cascades.
Slate & granite
There is a stream of consid [considerable] size enters river on N [North] side of E.S.F [East South Fork]
About up [upper] head of cascades there is a bright white silver strip cascade comes into S.S.F [South South Fork] just above junction with E.S.F [East South Fork] on W [west] side.
Another same kind on S [south] side main can [canyon] about midway lol [between] junction of SSF & ESF & “ “ [junction of] large N [north] trib [tributary] wh [which] is the first large stream coming in on that side
Alt [altitude] val [valley] at first [big] [N] Fork 8650 [cor]
Big Yo [Yosemite] val [valley] S F Joa [South Fork Joaquin] 8350
Dir [Direction] nearly W. [west] Deer grouse Squirrels
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 8 x 12 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist