
32 Garden on bank edge Alpine Lake Alt [Altitude] 10450 Soil coarse granite sand among stones 8 or 10 I dia [inches diameter] [fine] dust & mud soil herewith When protected from wind moraine from gl [glacier] of mtn [mountain] on main Divide at head of divide lol [between] the two forks of double cañon Snow 150 [yards] distant The glory of this garden is two shrublets covered on the ends of branches with white & crimson flowers the largest 8 ½ in [inch] in greater [diameter] with 27 branches about 12 flrs [flowers] on branch flrs [flowers] ¼ in dia [inch diameter] small two nerved lvs [leaves] mingled with flrs [flowers]—flowered portion of branches about ¾ in [inch] long about same dia [diameter] part of branches unflrd [unflowered] bare of lvs [leaves] slender & extended near the ground. The other is smaller having but 7 flowered branches spreading 6 in [inches] wide. 14 flowered stalks of Penstemon Confertum past flr [flowering] Aug [August] 15 [18]73
33 [sketch] Aug [August] 18th Set out from foot of Red Mtn [Mountain] Aug 16th Camped first eve’ [evening] in bottom of W [West] fork of Double Cañon Crossed the Merced divide eve’ [evening] of 17th weary & heavy laden & camped at bottom of one of the San Joaquin Cañons between [two] lakes on narrow isthmus of rock upon wh [which] grew [one] living tree clumpy & well adapted for shelter. ([Pinus Flexilis]) A large dead tree lay by it for fuel. This Cañon is broad & basiny containing at least ten lakes. Separated by bosses of high & gleaning rock & rich forest of P flex [Pinus Flexilis] P contorta [Pinus Contorta] & Spruce & fine meadows gardenlike both in shape & flrs [flowers] found here new plant chaenactis ? & new butterfly, also some hungry squirrels or rat stole my spectacles & barometer during the night from beneath a heavy stone recovered the barometer much gnawed not the specs Also the same animal may have stolen the lid of my teapot At least here it disappeared This morning climbed out of this Cañon into another yet grander Cañon of Joaquin with noble side cañons adorned with all kinds of gardens & groves rock slate & granitoid much [veined] & mixed where cut smooth by ice veined like marble Saw where [Mon] avalanche on W [west] side cañon of this cañon had broken off about as many pine trees as it uprooted, also slid over some young ones, also left a few standing, marked [shearing] depth at that place to have been about 20 ft [feet] Broken pines 2 ½ feet dia [diameter] sound, broken close to ground [shorn] off. One five or six feet from ground wh [which] grew again Noble mtns [mountains] rise close about me & far Southward one highest of the range with gls [glaciers] on sides a stream [sings] lonely
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 15 x 18 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist