
April 21 1873 [As] [if] [D] itself [even] [unhurled] in [ ] of [silver] cld [cloud] [sketch] Cld reached low within 1500 ft of bottom Dark [blue] below Surface glistening Shoulder [width its] [finishes] dark [shall][wind] Eddy whirlpool of cloud with Nucleus of rock Rock in front black shadowed N D lost in black grey cld Fear for its safety [sketch] Cascade of [silver] [behind] Domes both dark [between] banks of blackness woodpecker rapped on the roof hour earlier Sun rose on left instead of right side Dome Bluebird sun browned on wings nesting [one] [day] [I] found
blue violets [then] yellow [cassis] You could not help shouting Echoes of [sunshine] [ants] birds Cumuli aback [down] poplar [leaves] appeared in front of dark green of pines like a yellow mist [cherry] [leaf] [sketch: gray opaque sunny sunny]
Date Original
December 1872
Original journal dimensions: 10 x 16.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist