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Illilouette gardens grandest in front of Red & Black mtns [mountains] Larkspurs thickets 8 ft [ ], Hummingbirds among the spikes Tal [Tall] Senecio Veratrum Asp [Aspen] Wil [Willow], [Polygonum] Tig Lil [Tiger Lily] Columbines Grasses tall [Sp] [Spring/species] garlic Daises [Daisies] Berries red & Black Lupines Drip & gurgle & tinkle of HO [water] rich food & flrs [flowers] grow fat & so do the Deer & Bears, & many a moss
& sedge Alt [Altitude] of Lake Illilouette 9825 Cldy [Cloudy] A centre of song calm but [tremulous] with all the harmonies of [her] [compassing] waters. & her calm sheet written with a thousand histories of flr [flower] & bird Dewdrop lakes, lakes of rain endless & [returning] to invisible world [where] every particle of vapor is a lake in the [sky]
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 7 x 11 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist