
Writing note. Had gray clothes color of rock bear came up hill sauntering nosing about clump of chaparral & [ ] rather trunks came nearer nearer until within about 6 or 7 yds without seeing me, was very lean in a few minutes he went down the hill vanishing back of a fallen fir. Soon came back halting occasionally sniffing the air towards me & looking at me so I thought surly he must see me as I was not in the [back] hidden. Yet it appeared he had not seen me for after he was within 15 or 20 feet I moved my notebook, When he fled in afright. This is the commonest sp hereabouts. Also saw a deer on edge of the narrow mead. made fine picture bounding away past brown trees over emerald meadows. 6th In o mead saw robin the only one noticed in the Park by me in six days. Lily meadow on way to Sunset Rock is now [bravely] adorned with the small tiger lily. The tallest over five feet [7] 1 to 3 or 4 [ ] [ ] panicle usually a few 7 to 22 petals 2 in long [revolute] so as to make the corolla only about an inch. Lvs [leaves] in whorls on mid of stem, those above & below scattered 7 to 9 in whorl, lvs 4 in L ¾ wide [ ]. Other main flr erigeron, hosackia, lupin habenaria, gilia, [ ] zauschneria & [Draperia] etc around edge. Sugar Pine dwarfed on Sunset Rock one a foot high 4 long prostrate perhaps a 100 yrs old.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9.5 x 15 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist