
there is a gradual increase in height and and richness of peaks, peaklets, etc., culminating in Crillon. Our view of Fairweather and company was most impressive as we came within 15 or 20 [miles]. From here the [general] show surpassed even the St. Elias Alps and perhaps any other view to be had on the coast. When we halted abeam of Fairweather it was much less impressive, flat wall-like in feature comparatively. The best way to climb it is from [West] shoulder, ascend a [glacier] to ridge and follow to top only a short [distance] of step cutting [would] be required. The company all declared the view of the range from the [North][west] 20 [miles] or so from Fairweather and 6 or 8 [miles] from shore with yellow mellow light 10 A.M. [cloudless], was the most glorious of all the trip, surpassing even the [Prince] [William] [Sound] views. Crillon, as seen from this side, shows a tremendous precipice on [North] face dropping sheer from the sharp pyramid summit to at least 8000 [feet], one of the wildest [mountain] walls I ever saw. The bottom of it was not visible to us. Both Fairweather and Crillon at top were immaculate. The Crillon [glacier] the only one that presents ice wall to sea. It is undermined by waves at high
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist