
69 [sketch: Region of Domes] Can Yo Sem [Canyon Yosemite] at mouth [Tam] & cascade S 5 E Above at mouth [Tam] & cascade W 5 N Dir of face Sent ? S 40 W Proof of gl [glacier] polish in can, face of wall with slaty masses hard [ ] [disintegrated] [ ] granite wh [which] bears them, these are all square on face & protrude from surface of rock equal distances 70 Dir of 3rd Remnant Mor of S side (Nevada) S 70 W Dir of long med or lat with steep side N W Comes from dir of Clark? Gen Dir of Saw ridge Trib forking in front S 5 W Of Saw Ridge [Sketch: Cath Pk, Saw R, Heading against, Tuol meadow, Lake, [ ] light orange, good view of basin from here] 4th Rem Mor laid against main lat of Trunk? Answering to Mor of N side etc, 3 or 400 yds E of 3rd mor, is washed [as] no mere Frag Terminal mor ought to be & is also continued [above] steep face of main Can. 2nd Next Trib above Cath &Saw Ridge N large 2 forks both coming from near summit. Dir general S 35 W [Sketch: Large Flat Mtn, Small Trib [ ] large Trib at juncture by main Str, gray granite]
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 13.5 x 12.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist