
61 Cuts of N trib of Clark on both sides Afterwards is allowed to go farther down to the N after [deeper] cutting of canon. [sketch: Nevada main gl of, Trib, Clark] The N & S lines are splendidly marked here & give grand & easy lessons in mtn structure E of Clark is a Young meadow, less lake, newborn offspring of small remnant gl not yet quite dead. Shows moraines N distinct & is of great interest. [sketch: outlet Broken through dam, moraine, ice] 62 Hawk Black & white in equal big blotchy parts, wings white beneath with [round] spot of black in center, observed once before on summit of Hoff. Silky white leaved Eriogonum beautiful in death umbels of [flowers] [head] on gravel in perfect beauty of color dead. How apparent is the love & tenderness of God in the keeping of those dear delicate plant children of his in places that we are wrongly taught to call wild desolate deserted Gods love covers his world like a garment of light. Eriogonum pure fountains of life set in rocky [ ] & as the gravel accumulates about them they lengthen the thick root cords that bind them to earth rising higher & higher like seaweeds upon a wave.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 13.5 x 12.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist