
Aug 14. Left S.F. at 6pm due Truckee about 6am One hours run to lake. Arrived Tallac 1pm Aug 13. Start for Faith Hope ect val 10.30 16th Meet Mr. Bailey and Mrs. reach Grass Lake about 6pm Camp 7.700 feet in aspins contorta and Red Fir - Gentians, vao. Ennanus - Aug 17. Coyote before daylight sent straight up bold challenge ringing yell with faint hup hup preliminary - a solitary specimen. Several well defined species of them. At dawn Robin called “up up”. About sunrise or little before Douglas over our bed in contorta grove begun is dripping drizzle of notes through nose then came down and showed off in glorious style absolutely without weight, frisking shimmering along slender sprays as if loose in air peuh peuh etc, seems darker in color here above whiter below - One at breakfast on contorta about 15ft h isolated rushed at me to drive me off then ran aloft and peuhed. Clark Crow here seemingly feeding on contorta cones. Megilveray warbled many bobtailed Belding Spermophiles on smooth part of moraine dams at breakfast soon after sunrise with robins Said to live on their stored up fat. Meadows slight frost Gentian simplex seems unhurt dew and frost showing on little yellow spotless eunanus leaves rosette harey like sun dew. Strawberry, columbine blue penstenum vac microphillum, geranium willow alder aspen, fine Red fir - A succession of moraine dams with marshy lakes between Aug. 18. Over divide down into West Carson broad basin massive moraine then down canyon of - rough tuff (sketch) Camped in Hot Spring valley among aspens at 3500 ft fine stream. Fine sage bed, slept well. Gray of granite from lichen like Yosemite - Found identified Tamies quadrimaculatus white spots back of ears and on shoulders.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 10.5 x 17.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist