
The roof is mostly gone, some one bas been camping in it a bunk in corner, whisky bottle cans etc. ferns and bushes over floor. Just op. Royal arches white violets still in bloom, alder 3 ft 6 dia. hogs rooting and trampling thereabouts. Sep. 1. Walked to Royal Arches to indicate gl. grooving on west side of them near ground and half way to top of wall. Still plainer sections farther west at foot of Ind. Canyon. Thence to Hutchings log cottage, sadly dilapidated used as haybarn and shed for implements. Like all the valley excepting fenced haymeadows frowsy and forlorn. The apple trees with weeds up to waist still growing well - unpruned - wild as oaks yet laden with good fruit, eating only seeds after first meal in the morning. Many on ground. Little or nothing done with the Lamon orchards all weeds bay and tangled strawberry and raspberry blackberry. Sep 2. Took a drive with young Kenny down one side and up the other of valley. Spring at foot of cliff where there is no talus and of course showing dark grooved gl. surface though no polished surfaces now found only in side-canyons where ice lingered longest as in canyon w of Yosemite fall which is in shadow most all day wholey so in afternoon. Spring shaded by maple. Bridal V meads all trampled at Slack springs Asplenium Felix if still ab. Met Mr Lambert there who has been camped there a month or more collecting and studying moths butterflies etc. A rare man who lived alone at Soda Springs 17 yrs and fenced 160 acres carrying rails on back. Now he is likely to lose his mtn home by failing to get title before the park was organized. Tree in nitch of El Capitan said to be 250 ft high a yel p. perhaps 100 ft. Arrived at 11.30 after visiting graveyard. Mt. Hutchings plot where floy and 2nd wife lie has best headstone of unhewn granite. Lamons monument a granite shaft Albert May has monument of marble a plain slab erected by Mr. Black for whom he worked long as carpenter, and with whom I passed a winter at the Black Hotel. The graveyard like all else is sadly neglected - no fence - strewn with leaves of K oak and headgrass and ferns. Fire likely to burn wooden fences of graves and kill the few shrubs. Galen Clark has selected his rest here fenced and planted it watered among other plants are a dozen or more young sequoias, growing well. Next cliff W of Sentinel white soar made in 1857 / S winter Ab concolor at 100 yrs 2 ft9 in dia - 200 yra 4ft dia. Libo 24-9 cir at Clarks above ground Pine 27-6 cir 4 ft
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 10.5 x 17.5 cm.
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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist