
Wolf, meads water, some fencing, and a log house. Named from white wolves said to have been seen. Doubtful story - Near divide of Tuol S F and Yo crk some fine monticola near divide. A few Junipers near crossing of creek and very fine abies mag half way down from divid to crk. Camp on 1 side of crk 5 miles above head of fall. 16 ms all day. Aug 24. Lovely Mtn morning. Still clear white long lance rays falling between the arrowey spires of the two lvd pines, on more than doz species of grasses sedges and rushes that now raise, spread and poise their green and purple panicals unvexed by the feet of hoofed locusts - only the dainty deer are here to dibble the ground. Two lvd pine very arrowey well seen from moderate height on the many rocks. Junipers here, fine view of basin from road on E side a few mtn ps at Porcupine Flat or thereabouts then along flanks of Hoffman glorious Abies magnifica on moraine. Paton sp. Considerable just before beginning descent to Tenaya Lake. Spiraea 2 species columbine larkspur Allosorus abundance in Yosemite creek basin. Met two men going to Tenaya. Found party there in cabin. Camp at head of lake. Wild rocks, cabin without floor. Juniper on great rock N E end of lake many gentian frigida occur on streamside near lake on the inlet the mead at head of lake is about half m long and wide, timbered portion of it filled up portion about as extensive as mead. Therefore lake is now nearly half filled. Along S. shore of lake several hundred yards out are a number of snags, trunks of trees carried out by avas on ice in winter and heavy rock - laden and sunk - Avas from amphitheatre of the Tenaya mtn strike into the mead 200 yds above E end of lake. Avas here not very heavy neither annual or Cent. bushes in forest gaps perhaps 1- to 20 years old. Lower portion of meadow next lake rather frinzy owing to w winds throwing up sandbars also expansion of ice farther back smooth and beautiful then woods of 2 lvd p and a few magnify, yel. P and junipers on walls to N, 2 lvd p and Paton on S. The highest point of the broad winged at Mt. Tenaya is op mead. Avas have swept down trees and rocks on its margin, and in a small well formed cirque formed by a residual gl. Under the highest point of the Mtn there is a terminal moraine well formed. This is one of the smallest and best characterized gl. wombs I know of One portion of mead acre or two purple with Orthocarpus. Took wall around lake start at 3. Got back at 6. Could lead horse around S shore though rough. Fine Patons and monticola, spiraea, dwarf racounum. Both ladies took this walk and enjoyed it fine changing views of lake and its unrivaled setting of shiny glaciated mtns of massive architecture. Cold wind blowing up the lake til sundown. Arrived from Yo crk at noon.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 10.5 x 17.5 cm.
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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist