
richest and best in main belt Alt 4500. Arrive at Aspen, received by the Crow family at picturesque rustic cottage - Have oriental cook and abundance of good things food books etc- pass a pleasant evening in charming garret. Aug 22. Set out for Wades Peak or Bald Mountain guided by Mr. Crow, Bear sign ab. An old bear and two cubs frightened the ladies a few days ago. Glorious ride up through the woods at 6500 get into fine forest of A. Magnifica. On mead. In the fir woods found young calf day old a coyote and its mother watching shot at missed the coyote. At the summit of Bald Mtn at or near head of Mid Fork Tuol had glorious view of the frests on the heads of Mid and S Forks filling them with grand inmmeasurable, irrepressible exuberance of beauty. A few Sug ps up to 7000 ft, also libos and dwarfed Kellogg oak. Meads with veratrum, columbine, golden rod Aster, - Spragneae and zymnophy twin, on dry sandy grounds, chinquapin cherry, glantins Manzanita, ceancyhus etc. Some of sloping meads evidently covered to depth of 8 or 10 ft with flood soil burying many trunks of trees which are not exposed in sections out by the stream. These floods occurred at least 50 to 75 yrs ago as shown by two ld ps growing on the beds of soil over the buried trunks. Wade Mtn or Bald, 7000 ft high - glorious views of woods to West and plaines and coast range in clear weather could see Crockers and Hudsons Wade meads etc. Pilot Pk - Mts Clark gray and red - of Merced group - but few of summits - Mt Hoff - not Conness, nor Dana etc nearly all summit pks invisible cut off by Yosemite creek divide - Yesterday in riding through the forests from Crockers we met a bright joyous bey of shorted skirted girls whose faces were radiant with pleasure as with lond strong steps they came though the lofty forest arches pictures of health and enjoyment every step telling the exhilaration of the spicy mtn air. They were followed by a large spring wagon laden with camp equipments drawn by a pair of horses driven by a woman. They had camped at Wade meadows where milk was abundant the owner of which told us they had danced and sang most of the night. Girl graduates said to be sweet as girl mtneers. Never before have the mts seen so many young people camping in their hospitable life giving gardens and glens - It is a hopeful beginning may their tribe increase until like Switzerland all the mtns echo with their happy voices. Aug. 23. Start for Big Tuol meads and Yosemite via Cathedral pk today lunched at White Wolf 9 ms from Aspen, Mr. Luken, Mr and Mrs. and Miss and Master Crow El. 7.700 (8000) Most of way fine abies mag. P. monticola, P. Murray - at white
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 10.5 x 17.5 cm.
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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist