
Gazing in rapt of fascination, cold immobile beauty yet warm, a time of rich action. Beautiful bird size of Robin, reddish breast, dark on back pidgeon-like bill on top of Avalanche Pk. Two more basins in sight from Ava Pk w of Kellogg and M D basin. The e branch of stream wh enters S F Yo e of sphinx has beautifully fluted basin like shell. Saw flex pine 4 ft dia on Ava ridge. Monticola 7 ft dia on rock on Ava can 6000 ft; cascade 200 ft h 50 wide. Alt w most of Sentinel fronts, 7250. Alt foot of Diamond cascade in Ava can 6000 ft; cascade 200 ft h, 50 wide. Saw bear tracks in can everywhere and one track on summit of Ava pk, had probably seen me and turned back as he was coming towards the valley; saw amalanchus, many gilias near foot, saxifrage at head and red barked dogwood in tangle ava swept.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist