
Sep 7. Extraordinary sun-day and color-day for the arctic regions. Temp. 55o, a most remarkable temp. for this time of year, few days so warm since leaving Oonalaska, and few days so sunful, although this was by no means all sunny. But from morn till night there was not an hour without sunshine, alternating with mild-looking clouds and showers and rainbows – rainbows every hour. The showers looked like those of spring, and were as mild as those of California Lowlands. The clouds in massive cumulus ranges (rare towards the Arctic), and ashy-gray bars with lovely tender pale blue sky between. The sunset, too, was most impressive in the richness of its colors. A row of crimson, upstreaming, flame-like clouds with feathered edges seemed to rise out of the sea, burning with amazing brightness, with dull red bar
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 11.5 x 21 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist