
8 Left Wrangel at 2 A.M. June 21 passed thro [through] the Narrows at 4 AM. Noticed a few bergs near Cape Fanshaw from [Stickine] Wrangel Gl [Glacier]. The water 10 ms [miles] from Wrangel muddy with Stickine glacial washings All the waters of channels N [north] of Wrangel green or yellowish from gl [glacial] mud. Had good view of gls [glaciers] on way to Juneau but not of their mtns [mountains] -- [fln] mtns [mountains] veiled in clouds. Fine bergs at mouth of [Snow] [Down] Bay -- stranded on mor. [morraine] bar as when I saw them 11 yrs [years] ago. Before reaching Juneau proceeded up Takou [Taku] Inlet. had fine view of Takou Gl [Glacier] & Norris. pushed ship up within 1/2 m [mile] of snout. wh [which] is about 1/2 or 3/4 mile long. The bergs fall but seldom perhaps one in 1/2 hour. makes rapid descent. The inlet will not perhaps be much extended by recession of gl [glacier] beyond its present limits. as the gl [glacier] retreats Granite on either side shows ice
9 action in telling style. The Norris good example of gl [glacier] in first stage of decadence. The river comes in grand cannon to left of gls [glaciers]. extends from beyond the main range. All tourists delighted at seeing a grand gl [glacier] in the flesh. The seeing v [very] fine here & in channel at Juneau. Large mill on Douglas Island 240 stamp all run by one small water wheel wh [which] [however] is acted on by water at enormous pressure. The forests being nibbled away at the base. Wind here saw to be violent at times carrying away people & houses & dashing scud far up the mtn [mountain] Snow seldom more than a foot or two deep. Arrived at Douglas Island 5 P.M. June 21 went thro [through] mill sightseeing -- low grade quartz. 600 tons per day crushed. constant [thunder] blasting
Date Original
June 1890
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 14.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist