
32 snow this morning drifting in frozen dust 13th Spring again. Frogs in deep gargling chorus 14th Springy all spring influences in one homogeneous mass. Early fls [flowers] uninjured by snow burial. 15th Thermom [Thermometer] at noon in shade 80° [degrees] Water increasing Bright [balmy] Full moon is looking over shoulder of S [South] dome had three pine trees & a rock upon its disk, outlined with startling distinctness. No other tree however faint at all visible. Looked like a medal. [sketch of full moon with three trees] The trees seemed fairly melted into the white silver of the [moon] disc 16th d [Very] warm 17th [very warm] Thermom[eter] Morning about 50 noon 80° [degrees] 18th “ “ “ “ water very much increased. Strong wind at 33 bottom of falls waving the pines to their own music in most divine harmony. Could not approach within 200 yds of lower falls. 19th Poplar leaves open this forenoon. Falls in most glorious array. Comets more matted & more rapid in movements. Not a quiet drop in the whole column 20th Falls in growing magnificence 50000 horsepower at present. Oaks expanding buds, the fragrance of warm joyous spring in every sight & sound conjoined. River very much swelled. 21. Water higher than ever. Poplar grove in green leaf. Leaves long enough to tremble. Column of falls not greater in appearance though increased ten times in volume, no longer floating downwards softly & downily but
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 10 x 16.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist