
freshness of the young trees springing up & the chap [acanthis] 4 species – velutina, prostratus, cordulinus & [ ] & the ever beautiful river ever in sight redeems the [mess] from all the destructive acture of man. Wild rose strawberry [spirea] alder Rhamnus All the pines Jeffreyi & contorta P. grandis but little [touched] as yet by the axe. Poor timber. Many shrunken & decayed at heart
Libocedrus on W [west] shore of Lake 160 ft. [feet] long 5 ft. [feet] dia [diameter] 4 ft [feet] ab [above] grnd [ground] 580 yrs [years] old Cottages Crockers, McConnels the best ground on the lake fine forest bit of [primeval] ground covered with Rubus.
Libocedrus groves to large size seems to reach greatest perfection along the W [west] shore of lake on gravel beach [Shores] strewn with Average snow fall at Tahoe 35 ft. [feet] 7 to 10 ft. [feet] deep avg [average] Lake lowest known 2 species trout silver & brown. Silver best reddish meat like salmon Avg [average] weight about 1 ½ lbs [pounds] 29 largest 25 or 30 lbs [pounds] avg [average] days catch troll with minnows or
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 8.5 x 14.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist