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15 [ ] [polystachya] white “ [clevilandi] small leaf. “ [Stachoides] [Yanchneria/ Zauschneria] [californica] [dendromecon] [rigidum] poppy like on leaf Trip to explore Mid Fork Kings River Temp at sunrise at [James] [Ranch] above [Visalia] 54 [degrees]. Elevation not over 400 ft. Hogwallows drained only in v [very] wet weather. Compound [elevations] [ ] Controlled by drainage–still it seems difficult to acct [account] for extreme height & regularity. Solid bed rock [perlak] of the same [irregularity] [consequently] the main effect must bedue to [denudation]. [44] 16 [Sketch] [Parsed] [adornment] on Butte 500 ft h E [or] Visalia. First foothills. From Visalia to Hydes mill by 45 m 20 miles on plain elevation [Visalia] 230 ft. edge of plains 430. Plain here nearly all [hogwallowd] with several striking isolated peaks slate. First pines (ponderosa) at dry creek 2800 above sea. also [Libo] no [sabiniana]here. Also rare [south] sequoia in sight only 5 ms [miles] above this lower edge of timber [ ] the rock all the way from foothills nearly all granite-[with] [hills] of [meta] [43]
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 10.5 x 17 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist