
the town is without them & the simple unostentious manner in wh[where] they are planted & gathered in pots about the windows show that they are truly friends. The surrounding commons the levels of the Jordan on the West & the gravelly lakefront on the East are also delightfully flry [flowery] Chief among new wild flrs [flowers] are a species of pink phlox growing in larger showy tufts & a beauty papilionaceous flrs [flowers] with [ ] [leaves] & clusters of beautiful flowers variegated forget me not white [borrage] yellow wall [flowers] Hydrophyllum & violets & it is delightful to see how eagerly they are sought after by the children both [old & young] boys & girls. Every time I have gone [botany] I have found groups of happy children with their precious bouquets & who would be afraid of a people who loved wild flrs [flowers]. It is hard to believe the dark bloody passages of Mormon history which we see no flr [flower] company they so generally keep but I saw that this is a strange city & what you will say is this
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 8.5 x 14 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist